Monday, March 9, 2009


It would have been a perfect Sunday.

Taught a great class in the afternoon where students just flowed together in unison.

Took a nice walk with the kids, enjoying the crisp, clean air brought on by the rain.

Had a really yummy dinner with some great company.

Everything would've been so great and I would've gone to bed with a big smile.

Only if I hadn't looked into my darn photo disk.

It's now 3in the morning and I've just finished a 3-hour practice.

Knew I have been slacking off, but I have never realized how bad it is until I saw some of my old yoga pix. Poses that were so easily and perfectly executed just months ago are now barely do-able due to hugely decreased flexibility and strength.

As a result, compulsive obsessive mode kicked in and off to the mat I went.


Now 3 hours later I am feeling all happy and healthy, and will slowly and mindfully carry myself into the bathroom for a long hot shower as my legs are starting to quiver.

I know I will be regretting this in the morning.

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