Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dog people

Have you ever met someone for the first time, but know immediately that you'll like them lots?

Well, I do, and on different levels.

I have to admit that I've been quite lucky lately because I have met not just one, but three.

Call me biased, but I feel that dog people are mostly good people.

I mean, how can someone who geniunely loves animals be cruel, mean and evil at the same time? I am talking about REAL animal lovers, someone that truly respects and treasures another living being. Someone with that little dash of kindness in his heart.

And dog people in particular? Well, first and foremost, since I love dogs so much, I have a soft spot for people who love dogs as well. And since we share the same passion for dogs, we have endless topics to talk about - and I love talking, sharing. Finally and most importantly, I just like to like dog people, especially those who selflessly go out of their way to help the less fortunate pups.

I must be blessed.


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