Sunday, June 27, 2010

Missing Turkey already

Last day of Immersion II with Chris and I couldn't believe that time has already flown by so quickly.

It has been an amazing trip and Turkey turns out to be one of the best places on earth. I can totally see myself living here for sure! People here are so nice and welcoming that sometimes it feels awkward, but I'm getting used to it!

Food is just great. Cannot say enough of that but I'm slowly but steadily gaining weight. Guess that's the hidden danger for anyone who stays here for long!

To top it all is another inspiring journey with Chris and Ozlem, and the welcoming kula here. There is truly something beautiful growing here, thanks to Anusara teachers like Naz and Kate, and the all the lovely souls at Cihangir yoga.

Istanbul may be a big city with it's share of touristy traps and big city traffic, but it still retains a very strong sense of Turkish hositality. A smile here and a nod there. A hug and two pecks on the cheeks.

The Agean cities may be very touristy, but they are a treasure trove of ruins and history. Mesmerizing stories of days passed. With a very blue and very clear sky and sea in the background.

Cappadocia may seem bland after the first two days with its endless caves, but this is where I felt the closest to Mother Nature. The simple but natural way the locals lived their lives, with such intimacy with nature. Taking and returning everything from the earth. Making use of the resources so rich at hand. And the contentment of living such a simple life. It is a place for contemplation, a place where I could, as well, become intimate with nature. A place where I could pause and ponder.

Oh, good times have gone by too quickly and we will be leaving for Egypt tomorrow morning. Another exciting adventure awaits, but wait, I'm still not done with Turkey yet!!!


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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Changes in the air.

An amazing yoga holiday.

Yet another move, with massive renovation coming. Gosh, packing, cleaning, unpacking, repacking, cleaning and unpacking. Again.

I'm going to be one hellava busy momma.

But first, time for a nice long shower and some quality time with the kids.

Nite nite'

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