Friday, July 31, 2009

One step at a time....

Pause..... and think it through.

Living closer to work and be in the middle of everything, or, living close to my folks so we could be there when they needed us?

Thought I had already given up on staying close to them, as it has been so impossibly difficult to find any place, any area, that they both liked. I was already at my wits end and was already starting to look into areas near work instead.

Then Mom injured her back, making me pause and re-assess what everything's all about.
It's so much easier to care for them when we're just a brief walk away. Dad coming over for dinner and bringing take out for Mom, who's required to bed rest for a few days. Taking her out to the doc and driving her around town to run her errands, etc...

All at the expense of us, me and hubby, living a bit further away from work, requiring the daily commute.

But is that really such a bad and long commute? Not really. It's just a bit out of the way, that's all.


But of course it would be so much better if they would be willing to move closer to town.


Guess I shouldn't give up so easily and try to convince them into moving again...this time taking it a bit slowly, one step at a time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Have you decided?

Rain, or shine?

One minute it's nice and sunny, and the next, pouring like there's no tomorrow.

Then everything just stopped, and Mr. Sunshine is out and about again.

Rain and shine, on and off, on and off.

What an interesting day.

Rain... view from my balcony

Friday, July 24, 2009

Slooooow motion

What am I up to lately?


Working hard to strike down the errands on my list.

Two out of the original six being done, one in progress, leaving three still waiting in line.

But then, two new ones are now being added to the list, bringing everything back to square one again.


And I'm supposed to be semi-retired or something.

Okay, here's the new and revised list:

1. securing poultry supply for the kids;
2. finding a potential new home;
3. dentals;
4. confirming choice of health insurance (pending);
5. managing some govt issues regarding our rental;
6. concluding all matters related to reno for rental.

And of course, with all that in mind, one of the most important errand, if I may call it, will be, doing some serious financial planning.

Oh just too much to think about at this hour. Better catch some rest now and start everything again in the morning when my mind is all refreshed.

Sorry guys, I know I'm boring everyone out with all this ranting, but I'm just a bit swarmed lately and didn't know what to blog about.

Life can be boring at times, you know!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just a note to self... remind myself on what I'm up to lately.

Nothing much, but just feeling busy busy busy.

Little errands here and there, as usual, with M-I-L in town, requiring a little bit of TLA (tender loving attention) from us, again, as usual.

Some outstanding projects on hand:

1. sourcing for a new supplier for the kids' poultry supply;

2. finalizing our August teaching schedule;

3. getting the word out to more property agents so our rental can be rented out asap;

4. looking around for our own potential new home;

5. getting some kind of health insurance;

6. akem....getting my much dreaded and much overdue dental check-up done.

OMG, that's enough to get my head pounding.

I think I'm much better off heading to bed, leaving all of that for tmrw morn'.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ann-n in Wonderland

Went house-hunting with Mom and Dad again, this time in a development called Wonderland.

Nice name. Nice place, too. Top of the hill, with fresh, crisp air and lotsa greens around. Just 5-10 minutes away from the nearest subway station, yet so serene and quiet.

I'm definitely interested.

Thanks, Pete, for suggesting that we should check out the place. It's really, top of the hill :)


Tired, but....

glad to be home.

Had a long day today, having taught three classes, did lunch with my colleagues, then afternoon tea with an old time buddy, and finally, out for a drink and dinner with my fellow yoga teachers.

Talk, talk, talk, non-stop.

Laughed a little, laughed some more, laughed a lot.

And now, I'm finally sitting by my computer, smelling stinky from a long day of sweat, and feeling a bit sore in the throat from all that talking and laughing.

But it's a much deserved time-out, as I've just finished a week-long work of helping Cindy with her new ad campaign. Now that her ad has finally gone in for print, I'm all done and all too ready for a little laugh and a few glasses of my favorite Mojitos.

*slurp* ummm...yummy.... *slurp*


Friday, July 10, 2009

What a pleasant surprise

Had a great yoga practice tonight and got into my first ever, Full Eka pada rajakapotanasana I. I mean, the full thing, not prep, not half way. The full thing.


Much thanks to my practice partner, (whose name I forgot already!), who has so patiently and accurately guided my arms back to find my foot. I have always had limitations with my back bending, and have already thought my "foot" to be unreachable, but he has been extremely supportive and encouraging, giving me that extra shove to make it happen. Thanks, buddy! Would love to partner up again next time! ;)

I'm having the feeling (again) that my practice , as well as my life, is unfolding slowly and naturally, little by little, without any straining, nor any forcing.

I felt so blessed to be me. To have such great family and friends, and to have had the chance to meet so many interesting and supportive people in my life.

Om shanti,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yo-kitty has a new sister!

Came home after meeting with Cindy and Pete, to find Yo-kitty hanging out with her new little sister: McKitty.

Apparently hubby ate Old-Mac for lunch and got it for me.

Guess Yo-kitty will be busy teaching McKitty how to do Kitty-yoga then!

Thanks, mate, you're sweet. Sometimes. ;P

Count Dracula and his "Batgirl"....

....homeless, and sleeping on a bed made out of cardbox paper, with Batgirl loyally standing guard.

Actually, that's Pete napping on Cindy's rooftop patio, while Cindy and I were going through her latest ad campaign. That little "Batgirl" on his tummy was Cindy's toy Poodle, Kitty.

Yup, you got it right, it's Kitty the doggie, not Kitty the Kitty-cat. :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If only I could....

....have a home in the middle of the city, just like this.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lights out please....

Mommy's working late (again).


How could we ever sleep with the lights so bright?

Yummy BBQ pork...

My dinner on this lazy, rainy Sunday.

Chinese style BBQ pork with rice.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Midnight party

Kimba here.

Midnight snack tonight - Hooray!

Duck neck neck.

Yummy...Yum Yum.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Intrinsic goodness...or resident evil?

Do you believe that there is intrinsic goodness in everything, and in everyone? That no matter how "bad" that thing or that person looks on the outside, there is this tiny spark of intrinsic goodness hidden somewhere inside?

Or do you believe that there are some people who are just plain bad, rotten to the core, i.e. resident evil, and not worth even a thought?

I believe, that in true nature, everything, and everyone, has this spark of goodness hidden within. No matter how bad it looks from the outside. You just gotta look harder, not with your eyes, but with your heart. It's always there, like an unpolished gem, waiting for its chance to unveil, to dazzle us with its charm.

I don't believe in resident evil. No one, nothing, is meant and made to be bad from the start. Some may have gone astray, who have lost sight of their true calling, and have gone onto the wrong track. Like dogs with imbalanced mental conditions, and people with illogical minds. But they were all born with pure innocence. It was the lack of experience, or the overload of improper experience, that molded them into what they've become.

And that's when rehabilitation comes in. Proper guidance and support. Showing them the way. Helping them to get back onto the right track.

Some may take only a shove, and they'll get on with their way. Some may need more time and stronger leaders. But no matter what, once you get them started, they'll only get better, to different degrees, at different speeds.

And that's the beauty of it all.

Om namah shivaya,
ॐ नमः शिवय

Friday, July 3, 2009

Slave girl....

...starved and slaved through the day.

House-hunting day with parents and had only two pieces of toast for the whole day. Oh, I forgot, and two cups of tea.

Drove and drove and drove. In and out of the car. Up and down the stairs. Drove some more, and some more, and some more.

Passed a million food stalls but Mom was just too anxious to see more, so sorry, no rest stops in between, we gotta hurry.

Next time, I'm not going to go house-hunting without my picnic basket fully stuffed with food and drinks.

Yeah, stuffed.

Anyways, we saw quite a few places, and some were quite interesting, but nothing really fits our profile. Or should I say, no love-at-first-sight. There's one, a small ground floor unit with prime sea front location, which I sort of liked. The overall layout and neighborhood wasn't bad, but the location itself is a bit questionable - right next to the most busiest part of town where traffic will be horrible on weekends and holidays. It's OK if we don't plan to drive during the weekends, as they do have good public transportation right at our door steps, and even a choice of minivan or mini ferry, the "walla walla". But somehow, I'm still very, extremely, hesitant.

Don't ask me why. I don't know either. Back here for over a year now, but I'm still not too enthusiastic about finding a long-term home yet.

Or maybe, I'm still feeling transitional here in Hong Kong?

Oh gosh, don't tell me that I'm still not settled in!!

View from the quaint ground floor unit: full sea view and right by the sea walk