Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Atlas the big bully

Remember Atlas the St. Bernard? Well, he's one big bully after all.

When Cindy and I took him out for his afternoon walk last Sunday, he immediately knew that Pete, the "Alpha" of our pack, wasn't around that day, and tried to take advantage of the situation by bullying us a couple of times.

First, he pretended to be clumpsy and kept walking slightly further and further away from Cindy. He wasn't really pulling though, but was more of the "oophs, did I go too far?" kind of pulling. Cindy was, of course, no fool, and quickly reigned him back in. As soon as he realized that he couldn't get away with Cindy, he gave up and continued walking nicely beside her.

After a while, I took his leash and walked him onto the paddy fields so he could relieve himself. Instead, he picked up a piece of twig and started shaking it around. This may look playful to a lot of people, but both Cindy and I knew that he was trying to test our level of control. We took one look into each other's eyes, and simultaneously grabbed either end of the twig and pulled it out of his mouth.

Boy, was he agitated! He grunted and turned to nip at the air around my hand. I held his leash away and bumped him off to the side with my outer thigh. Had Pete been around, Atlas would have stopped right there and then, but it was just me and Cindy, so he pushed further and nipped towards my belly. I felt his teeth brushing against my skin, and my shirt being tugged, and I was, outraged. Something clicked at that moment, and my instincts took over: I reprimanded him using a technique that Pete has taught me before, which I had no chance of using until then. I have never thought I would be able to call upon it, especially in a sudden situation, and Atlas was quite surprised to be pushed aside by me. I then took advantage of his uncertainty, pulled him back beside me, and started walking as if nothing has happened.

After a couple of steps, I saw from the corner of my eye that he started looking down with his mouth opening, and both Cindy and I knew that he was going for it again. I prepared myself, and continued walking forward with all my strength. He got dragged forward and couldn't stop to take anything off from the ground, and got really upset. I heard him grunting and pounding up behind me, and I reprimanded him again. This time his level of agitation was a lot less, but he kept protesting and kept closing in towards me. Instead of backing up, I held his leash high and stood my ground with a poker face.

And then it was over. He gave in and all that agitation just subsided. It was mesmerizing to be there at that moment. One second we were heading into a twister, and then all of a sudden, everything was bright and calm. He became that big teddy bear again, and just walked nicely beside us through the fields and back to the shelter.

It was some kind of experience. Was I scared? Not really. It may sound scary to people when I told them what happened and especially, after I showed them a photo of the big boy standing beside me. But for me, it was more like, another experience. If I were to describe it in my own words, it was more of an energy exchange between me and the dog. It's like, he tried to overpower me with his bullying (i.e. invade my space or my energetic field with his) but I just refused to give in by flaring my energy field up and bouncing his advances back to him. That's all. It's hard to put to words but that's how it felt to me.

Looking back, this was truly an enriching experience because I will now be less worried about handling big dogs and will probably have better instincts when I have to deal with similar advances. I have not only gained a bit more confidence in myself, but have also opened up a better perception of the energetic channels between humans and animals. I'm not saying that I'm ready for ANY dog yet, but at least, I think I am now a bit bolder and braver when it comes to seeing bigger dogs.

Does size really matter?

Well, depends.
Depends on what you're thinking of... ;)

Have a great evening,

Adoption Day, Sun, Mar 29, 2009

A rewarding day indeed.

First and foremost, it was good to be able to re-home some of the pups to suitable families, giving them another chance to a happy, loving life with their new guardians.

But even more so, it was important for me and Cindy to be able to dissuade some potential adoptees from adopting a dog just because "he looks cute" or "my son likes her a lot". Impulsive decisions without regard to the suitability between the dog and the family will almost always guarantee trouble, and possibly, returning of the dog to a shelter in the future.

It was, and will always be, our Mission to find suitable homes for the dogs. Not just any home, but a SUITABLE home.

Helping out at the Adoption Day has given me the opportunity to practice assessing dogs and people, then trying to find the perfect match in between. I was never much of a match-maker myself, but I'm honing my skills and am getting better at it. :)

Moreover, handling the dogs in a variety of settings has enabled me to gain a better understanding of the subtle changes in energetic levels as the dog's emotions changes. Leaning how to tune in with such changes and to interpret what they mean has been one of my biggest obstacles in my "doggie training". Even though I am not completely confident yet, I feel more comfortable now and is learning to trust my feelings a bit more. Like Pete says, things will only get better from now on, and I'm sure of that!

Last but not the least, nothing beats that warmth in my heart when I saw the perky Yorkie trotting off with his new family by his side, knowing that he will very likely be living happily ever after.

Thanks to you all, my four-legged and two-legged friends, for giving me the chance to help and to learn.

Luv, AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vetspeed Nite Express

Finally took the dogs to the vet on our Vetspeed Nite Express, as Tinsel's still pooping blood and Kimba's getting more pimples.

Thanks to Cindy for recommending her vet and for making the appointment for us. The clinic is immaculately clean and efficient, and the vet, Dr. Yim, is professional, knowledgeable and extremely approachable.

Tentative diagnosis for Tinsel's tummy trouble is a weakening of the microflora in her intestines due to prolonged use of the steroids and antibiotics for her ear infection. Will get final confirmation from the path test on her stools, but at least it doesn't look like she's caught anything serious. Phew!

And her ear....turns out that her ear infection has cleared up already but then she's getting an allergic reaction to the long term and overuse of the ear wash that was prescribed by her previous vet. He actually reminded us to wash Tinsel's ears twice daily just a few days ago! What a bloody "yellow green doctor".

As for Kimba....he's now our official Fungi Boy - Doc prescribed some meds and twice daily cleaning of his "pimples". It's only 2 hours since he took his meds and he's stopped scratching completely. Not bad. At least we can all get a good night's rest tonight then. Unless Tinsel starts pooping again, that is.

But I got the feeling that everything's going to be alrrr-right for them.

So now I should go catch a few hours before I get up real early for the Discovery Bay Adoption Day. Send us your love and support as we really want to find a few good homes for the pups at the shelter!

Go puppies go!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I've started to grind my teeth in my sleep lately.

I would wake up from that sweaky noise in my mouth, realizing that I'm grinding my teeth.

And I know why. Tension. Stress from holding that tension inside, not able to resolve it (yet) and not able to vent it out either. Clenching my jaws tight. Zipping my lips closed.

And sometimes, when I try to tell a friend what's troubling me, I will struggle with my words, not knowing where to start, or how to express my thoughts. I had to concentrate on prying my teeth apart in order to let the words come out of my mouth.

Maybe I should try using my fingers instead of my mouth. No....not to pry my teeth open, but to say what I want to say.

OK. So, what's been troubling me?

Well, the kids health for sure. That's always numberrrrr ONE.

Then, two separate engagements that I'm trying to get myself out of.

First and foremost, part-time office work at the studio that I've supposedly resigned from. Really ticks me off coz I have no patience for things like these, dangling in mid-air, neither here nor there. Told the guy that I am quitting the office, and instead of discussing when my last day will be and what I got to hand-down etc, he said, "ok, let me talk to my wife first, we need to make some re-arranging". Sure---- but three days later, when I got back into the office again, he pretended that nothing has happened. I didn't want to be pushy, so I waited until after I finished teaching my class, but then, he was already gone for the day. Gone for the day? So now what? I don't want to be an irresponsible person and just walk away like that, but I can't keep going on like this either. I will have to go in next Wednesday and try to deal with him, probably have to name my last day there and set down all the remaining work. It's just a pain in the behind when I had to deal with dilly-dally people.

The second gig is also yoga-related. See what happens when you mix money with pleasure? Yoga by itself is bliss. Yoga as work becomes teeth (grinding).

See, I've promised my mentoring teacher who led me into yoga, that I will assist her in teaching a Yoga Teacher Training in China sometime this year. The gig was originally set for April, but it has been postponed as there wasn't enough applicants to justify the trip.

Then about a week ago, I got a call from my teacher saying that the hosting studio in China came back with a new proposal and a new shocking price. It's so dirt cheap - 30% of what everybody else charges, even in China. Their excuse was: Bad economy. Right. I happen to know of other yoga schools taking in more teacher trainees because of the economy, as people are all looking for alternative sources of income. I don't understand, nor do I care, why the hosting studio wants to charge such a low price. The bottom line is, I don't agree and I don't want to be involved.

But here's the catch. My teacher really wants to do it, and she wants me to assist her. She feels that it's always worthwhile as long as we can touch a few more people's lives. I have absolutely no qualms about that, and I'd gladly do my karma yoga, but I do have a HUGE problem selling myself cheap. As the studio charges for the course, this is no charity in anyway, so I cannot see how we will be touching some poor fella's life, except probably the studio owner's. But then my teacher says, "would you just do it this time one, for me?" and I got stuck. Trapped.


It's been a battle between giving in to my conscience (gratitute towards my teacher) and upholding my principles. It's not an easy decision but I've finally came to realize that I will have to put my foot down and insist on a reasonable rate or I'll back away. Otherwise it will eat me alive as I can never force myself to do something I don't like doing. I will always end up screwing it up, so it's not a good idea at all. Nope. And it's not about how much I get paid in the end. It's a matter of principle. Our services comes with a price and we should not be taken advantaged of.

Hmmm... venting out feels good and looks like I'm cooking something up in the process as well. My chain of thought starts rolling and maybe it's time to pick up the phone to deal with the matter now.

Hopefully, I won't be grinding my teeth again tonight. Or tomorrow night.

Have a very pleasant weekend, everyone - and please, join the Earth hour tonight by turning off your lights!

Mango Mama

Nothing beats starting the day with an iced cold mango.


Then almost an hour of cleaning and "oiling" up of the kids.


Bad mommy fell asleep on the couch last night, half-way through cleaning their ears and feet and chest and what-not. After wiping them down with colloidal silver, I had to wait a few minutes for it to work and to dry up before putting on the actual oinments. And I had to fall asleep within that few minutes' window!

Darn. Must be really tired. Tired, and probably a little frustated too.

But sleeping is so healing and replenishing. A little under six hours and now I'm feeling all refreshed and ready for another day.

And that ice cold mango helps too, for sure.

I love mangoes.



Kids. I mean the four-legged ones.

They give you the best kisses (licks) and best hugs (warm furry body).

They got the best loving eyes (heart melting) and are your best buddies (curling up by your feet).

But when they're not well, they really get you worrying.

At least I do.

Tinsel is still having really soft stools, her ear infection is not completely well, and her feet chewing is coming back. Vet says to stay on a bland diet, continue washing her ear twice a day, and go back in two weeks (or call if her stools gets worse). Two weeks? Yeah, right. Might as well just tell me not to go back again.

Then Kimba. In addition to having some pimples on his chest, I've just found some dandruff peeling off between his toes. Is there such a thing as Canine Athlete's foot in Hong Kong? Huh?

Tinsel has never, ever, had an ear infection. Her tummy is usually very well and she's had the runs for less than 4 times in her entire life as a 5 year old.

Kimba has never had any skin problems. He just likes to fart.

But now....?
This is so frustrating. I feel like a bad negligent mom.

Anyways, I'm going to play the role of Ms. Nightingale now and clean up their ears, feet, and chest, before applying the corresponding creams and ointments.

Keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for the best.
Nite everyone,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fishies, anyone?

Is there such a thing as fake Monk fish?

I am wondering.

Went to a French restaurant for dinner tonight for the Monk fish on their special menu, and was quite disappointed. Don't get me wrong though, food and service were both quite good, and I'll go there again. However, I went there specifically for the Monk fish, and I didn't think it is Monk fish that was being served. It's more like a hybrid between an Orange Roughy and some Cod of some sort.

*15 minutes later...*

Okay, I dug up some info on Monk fish and found out that it's the tail meat that's delicious (and probably what I've been eating), so it's totally possible that the dish I had tonight was indeed Monk fish, but just not the tail part. Oh-well, should've known that it won't come so cheap. Anyways, I still had a great dinner, so what the heck!

One thing that I just found out though, is that both Monk fish and Orange Roughy are on the Seafood Watch list as fishes to avoid. Monk fish because of sustainability issues and Orange Roughy because of concerns about mercury contamination. Oh-no for the Monk fish and Oh-well for the Orange Roughy.

Oh-no because I love eating Monk fish, but would probably be avoiding it until it becomes more available. Quite a loss for me as it is by far my favorite fish.

Oh-well because I don't think the amount of Orange Roughy that I eat will cause much harm to me, so it won't be affecting my eating habits at all.

Oh-darn! Just checked the Seafood Watch list again, and turns out that Swordfish and Tuna are both on the "contaminant" list. Tuna I know, but Swordfish? Another one of my favorites! OK, that's it, I'd rather be contaminated than to stop eating my favorite fishies.

I'm going to bed tonight dreaming of my favorite fish dishes at my favorite restaurants.

Bon Appetit,

Bit my granny goodbye

I bit my Granny's ass goodbye today. Really.

Well, you know, I have been on a fast since yesterday and was hungry and cranky, especially when my tummy is still hurting. Then Granny has to pack her bags and what-not, creating a lot of commotion at home. And to make things worse, she kept saying what a poor girl I was and that she wanted to give me just one piece of snack. She sounded so sincere that I was really expecting something from her. I mean, I was ravenous, and I'll take anything!

Finally Mom got really upset from her continuous nagging about giving me food, and said that if she gave me anything, she will be responsible if I pooped blood again tonight. As Mom sounded quite upset, this got me all wound up as well.

Then among all things, Granny decided to bend over to my bed and started giving me smooches, saying how pitiful I was blah blah blah, in that silly voice of hers. That really ticked me off so I decided that I should teach her some manners. I growled and lunged up at her, bruising her hand and grazing my teeth against her behind when she turned away.

Mom was furious and reprimanded me right away, but it was too late as I've already gotten my taste of Granny's behind.

Honestly, I thought I was just helping Mom coz Granny was obviously getting on her nerves (and mine too). But thinking back now, maybe I was wrong coz Mom should be the one in-charge and I shouldn't have taken matters in my own paws.

Mom says now that Granny's gone home, our training is going back on track and both Kimbie and I are back on our "umbilical leashes" 24/7, until our behaviour is up to par again.

What can I say? Mom always wins, so there's just no point protesting!

Oh, and my tummy is getting a bit better now. No more poop since last night so I was given a small portion of turkey soup earlier this evening. It was the most delicious thing I've ever had!

Since I've had no diahorrea yet, Mom says I should be OK and is warming up the second portion of soup for me. Yum.......

Soup....I'm lovin' it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prince Charming

Hey babe....... it's Kimba your Prince Charmin' here.

Did you get to check out my latest stylin'?

Ain't I cool, suave and sexx--yy?

Ya, went to this new dig yesterday and checked out a coupla of new chicks over there.

Akem......I mean, four-legged ones, not the humans, Kay? The humans are a bit too-ooo serious for my taste. (But honestly, I didn't mind them the least bit as I get to lay my paws on some of those sexy boobies "by mistake"....hee hee...)

Too bad the humans were always watching, else I would've gotten a few phone numbers and possibly more....some hanky panky, maybe?

Oh well, there's always next time, girls!

Until then, take care and stay pretty!

Humpity hump hump....

My first grooming!

Hello everyone!

Tinsel here. I'm so darn proud to tell ya all that I've been to my first grooming session yesterday, and I'm so darn pretty now! Yay!

Yesterday, after eating lunch, Mom drove me and Kimbie over to Cindy's grooming parlour and I had thought we were just dropping by to say Hi. Little did I know, we were actually going there for our "spa sessions" for real. For Real.


It was so much fun. I got so much pampering and attention that I felt like a little princess. A pretty one too, for the matter.

Cindy and her assistants were firm but nice to me, and I wasn't afraid at all. I was smiling all day and never, even once, thought of nipping or biting anyone. All in all, I had a really enjoyable day and I really look forward to my next visit again.

If Cindy (and Mom) would let me, that is.

Well, you see, something did happen at Cindy's and it was really embarrasing. I've pooped right on the grooming table!! Yeah, it's THAT embarrasing.


But my tummy wasn't feeling right. It hasn't been for about a day already but then my poop was just a bit soft, so Mom thought I would be OK. Then it became really bad yesterday but I tried to hold it down, until I could no longer. I dirtied the table and even myself, so Cindy has to wash my behind again. I just hope she's not mad at me for that.....what? Oh, Mom just told me that it's ok, and Cindy wasn't pissed at me, thank goodness!

Anyways, afterwards when Mom came to pick me up, I had another round of tummy ache again and this time, pooped a few drops of blood. Ouch! I was given a fast for the night, i.e. no food, so my tummy can rest. Honestly, I didn't mind it much since I didn't have much of an apetite anyways.

Pooped a few more times after getting home and then crashed in while Mom watched over me. Boy, I was literally all pooped out by then!

This morning, shortly after 9, I woke to a cooling sensation around my lips, hmmm... ice. Mom was holding an ice cube for me. I was already feeling much better and savored every lick of it. Love ice.

Apparently, Mom has already called my vet and got the OK from them that I will not need any meds for the time being, but I will still need to fast until dinner time. Oh-no! So now I'm really hungry but had to wait till at least 6-ish before I can have my turkey soup. It's not even 1 pm yet so it's going to be a tough 6 hours' wait....

Big licks to my b-day Mom,

I can smell the soup, I can smell the soup......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Woke up feeling thirsty and craving something simple: ice cold, juicy Red Anjou pears. Better yet, the organic ones.

Foraged for a replacement in the kitchen but found only mangoes and blueberries. No pears in sight. Not even a green one.


Then I smelled something in the air. Waffles. Someone's making waffles nearby.

So I looked around the kitchen again, and finally settled for something simple yet staple: bread n' butter.

A piece of soft, aromatic mixed grain, covered with lightly salted, organic butter.

Yummy..... and not bad for a substitute at all.
Now I'm satisfied, and fully in gear for a new day.

First a bit of research on the kids' heartworm / tick prevention. (Note: yes, I'm finally giving in to idea of giving them some sort of prevention).

Then some more research on a yoga gig that I am considering taking.

Finally, freshen up and take the kids down for a walk, before dropping them off at Cindy's for grooming.

Ya. Grooming, outside of home, Tinsel's first.

I am so happy that she will finally be having her first spa session for real. After all, a city girl like her deserves some pampering once in a while, right? I'm sure she'll have a story to tell. :)

Kimba, on the other hand, has been to grooming a couple of times, but that was all before he got diagnosed with his leg condition. After that I did everything myself as I didn't want him to stress his leg too much by standing for a long time. And now that his leg is all good, he is allowed to tag along his big sister for some pampering as well - what a lucky dude!

Anyways, I'll be going into the office today to finish some work on hand, and hopefully, to hand in my resignation as well. Wanted to do that all week last week but nobody's around to take it. I hope the guy's not leaving early again so I can talk to him face-to-face. Otherwise, I'll have to somehow set up an appointment with him or consider leaving a letter on his desk. I hope it won't come to that, but my patience is running thin. It's either I'm in, or I'm out. (And I want out!) Simple as that. Can't let this drag on any longer.

So wish me luck, as I really want to do this the proper way.

And there will be yet another yummy dinner with family tonight - I'm thinking of Shanghainese - actually craving Xiao Lung Bao a bit by now... hmmm....

Have a great Tuesday,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Unlucky Lucky

Just got a call from a friend asking for help.

Her mother's dog, Lucky, is not too lucky lately.

Lucky has recently started acting funny and has nipped her mom and bitten her helper, so mom is now considering giving Lucky up to the pound.

My friend is furious. Even though Lucky is not her dog, she feels that this is not the way to treat a living being. She wants to help but is doubtful if any re-training will help a ten year old like Lucky.

You bet.

If Lucky can change from the Lucky-go-merry Lucky to Funny Lucky in a little over two months, Funny Lucky can definitely become the Lucky-go-merry Lucky again in time.

Using the knowledge I've been learning from Pete and our training sessions, I tried explaining to my friend what Lucky has been going through and what should or could be done to help her. My friend, as expected, was skeptical to the idea that Lucky could be "cured".

This sounded so familiar. Didn't I say the same thing about Tinsel just a little over 6 weeks ago?

So I asked her, knowing the Tinsel that she knew back then, did she ever think she could take Tinsel out by herself, lifted her up into her car, and walked her into the Pet Expo amongst a huge crowd of humans and dogs? The answer is a definite no. Why not? Coz Tinsel would have bitten her and others. Oh, I see.... but wasn't this exactly what I did with Lucky last July? Ya.....and if Tinsel can be changed, why wouldn't someone as good as the old Lucky be "cured" as well?

As long as her guardians are firm and persistent.

My friend really wants to help and has even thought of taking Lucky in, but she has to respect her boyfriend and cannot just drag another dog into their home without his consent. But at least, I've gotten her committment that she will not let her mom dump Lucky into the pound without trying rehab first, and if her mom is not persistent enough, she will take the poor girl in and work with me instead.

As a gift and challenge to myself, I will take Lucky as my first practicum in dog rehabilitation, under Pete's guidance and blessings, of course.

And I hereby make a pledge.
I will not fail.

So I guess Lucky is one lucky boy after all!

To our family (including four-legged members),

Going with the flow

I'm super sober.

Had a great family gathering, chatting into the wee hours of the morning.

Ate a lot and laughed a lot more.

Super happy. Super content.

And super ready for all the stuff Life's throwing at me.

Not complaining but just reflecting.

A friend told me not long ago that all he wanted was to slow down and enjoy a mellow lifestyle, yet things kept coming at him and he is always as busy as ever.

This is so darn true.

Just when I thought I could slow down a bit, quit the office, and enjoy my "golden years", things took a quick turn and dazzled me with colorful temptations.

Add it to too little self-control and now I will be super busy for the next few months, doing things that I will enjoy doing immensely.

I mean, yeah, I wanted to be a lazy ass, but how can I resist dogs and or yoga?

No choice but to go with the flow, and hit everything with all the feistiness in me.

So doggies here I come.

Yoga here I come, and yes, China, here I come too.

But before all that, bed, here I come now.

Sweet dreams,

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I'm drunk.

I'm craving chicken wings. I don't like chicken wings much, but I crave them when I'm drunk.

So I must be drunk.

Not drunk drunk, but tipsy drunk. Just enough to crave chicken wings.

This is the "feeling good" drunk.

I believe Lolita is tipsy too coz she is in bed already. Usually she would still be watching TV.

We had a little party in the kitchen, just the two of us, marinating meats for tomorrow's dinner.

It all started when we ran out of sake for marinating and I opened up a bottle of vodka instead.

Then one thing led to the other, vodka with pineapple juice, then a dash of coconut and ice. Ahh.......vodka colada.

After that, I started to add interesting things to the minced chicken, first more vodka, then a bit of cayenne pepper, and a dash of curry powder, and....... hmmm.. I can't remember what else....So now we will be having a secret recipe chicken tsukune tomorrow. If you like it, just remember not to ask me what's in it coz I have no idea. Yup. No freaking idea. Just some of the spices I have on hand.

It's good to be a bit drunk once in a while as I enjoy the lightness it brings. Especially when I am not in the mood to consider any complicated matters.

Just when I thought I got everything figured out, life will always have a surprise around the corner, waiting. I'm a bit tired and my brain can do with a little time-out for tonight.

Bottoms up!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Atlas, my first training partner.
Atlas the St. Bernard who has been neglected, caged and god knows what.
Atlas who has bitten someone quite seriously and bruising many others.
Atlas who is being taught by Pete to respect and trust us, the humans.
And the first dog that I got to walk with during my first training.
The first dog who taught me to always remain firm and alert when training dogs, and never, ever, make any assumptions.

At first look, Atlas looked like a big gentle teddy bear, and no one would have thought that he would be dangerous. He seemed quite alright when Pete took him out for a walk, while I walked right beside them, sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left. He wasn't even slightly, remotely, aggressive towards me. Together we walked across the road, down a paddy field, and all the way down to the beach. Everything was so nice, the fields, the birds, the greens, the beach. Atlas seemed to enjoy the walk and didn't seem bothered by me at all.

I was beginning to enjoy the stroll when Pete handed Atlas' leash over to me. The second Pete's hands left his leash, Atlas turned and nipped at the air around my hands. It was fast, especially for a dog who seemed so big and clumpsy. I didn't even have time to comprehend what and why, and all I could think of was, "Whao-a! What do you think you're doing?"

Then it was over. Atlas continued walking beside me as if nothing ever happened.

Even though it seemed like nothing, I was quite pissed. Pissed and surprised, in fact. I mean, we have been walking together all this time, and he has never shown any objections or cautions towards me. So "assuming" that he was alright with me, I wasn't prepared and just grabbed the leash when Pete handed it over. Stupid.

Stupid of me to make any assumptions and to let myself off guard, not knowing how to respond correctly.

So stupid of me to have jerked my hand in reflex.

It's not like I was afraid of being bitten, but as I wasn't anticipating any stupid moves from his part, it surprised me and I jerked. Should have been prepared for anything and stayed CALM.

The magic word.


Anyways, we walked on for a little bit and he never tried to nip me again. He did try to walk a bit further away or ahead but Pete showed me how to handle his ways so it wasn't difficult for me to bring him back in line. After a while, we sat down on the beach and let him rest a little. He came over to sniff me and seemed quite happy to have made a new friend.

The feeling's mutual, big boy!

And much thanks for showing me the importance of staying alert and prepared when training.

Last but not the least, thanks for not really biting me....for that tidbit of respect at the very least.

Wishing you a good loving home and many happy walks with your guardians,



Had an enjoyable dinner with friends last night.

Refreshing Mojitos, delicious pasta, extremely intoxicating desserts. Most important of all, good friends and great laughs.

I was buzzed.

Haven't had such a great laugh for a long time. Witty, dirty jokes. Love them.

My tummy is still aching from all that laughing. Go figure.

Turns out, it was a surprise dinner for me. No wonder they insisted on dragging me out and going some place nice.

Thanks, guys!

And tomorrow will be a big huge feast with family. More food, more booze, more laughs.

Hmmm... life's treating me well.

And here's to hubby: skip to end of post from here, do not read the next line.

And yes, girls, I'm on for the bar night next week - let's check out that eye-candy Kat mentioned. Yoo-hoo.... ;)

And here's to hubby again: ok, now you can read on:

Thanks for everything people, love you all!

I have a dream...

Woke up this morning dreaming of dogs, lotsa them, running around in a lush green field, happy, healthy. I was there with someone, just sitting on a ledge and watching them play. It was a beautiful place and it felt so good to be there, sharing the beauty, sharing the moment.

Just writing about it and recalling my dream brings tears to my eyes. How I wished things can be so harmonious, so, in sync with nature.

But the reality is, it isn't.

Reality is harsh. Even though there are many lucky pups who are living happily under the care of their guardians, there are a greater number of them who are being abused, beaten, or even, left to die hanging on a tree.

It saddens my heart to see or even hear about such cruelty.

Maybe my dream was just an idealistic projection of my wishes, prompted by my visit to the shelter, or maybe it was a scene from a past or future life. In any case, I came to realize why I felt the way I did last night.

When I told Pete that I felt sorry for the dogs in the shelter, it sounded as if I was criticizing how they are being cared for. Now I know that it wasn't what I really meant.

I felt sorry for them because they are unhappy.

Unhappy because they have been abused or abandoned by their trusted guardians.

Unhappy because they are now distrustful, fearful, and, for some, mentally unstable.

Unhappy because they cannot have free access to the outside world where they belong.

The shelter and its volunteers are trying their best in helping the dogs, treating any conditions they have, caring for their daily needs, and even, rehabilitating them if necessary.

All in the hope that one day these dogs will be able to find a good home so they could run in their own "lush green field" under the care of their new guardians.

I have a dream.

Let's make that dream come true.

One day at a time.

One dog at a time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 1 of Ann's Training: Thur, Mar 19, 2009

Hmm.....I'm smelling goo-oood.

Sitting by the computer with a cup of steamy hot Jasmine. Not the ordinary ones but my personal pick from my tea master's cellar. Yum.

Kids snoring their heads off, running in their dreams.

Clean, crisp air. Everything is so quiet, so....serene.

And I'm smelling good.

How I love early mornings!

Got home about two hours ago from my first day of "training" with Pete.

Not training dogs, but training me. With me on a leash and Pete walking me around Lantau.

Not quite, but close.

Even though I wasn't physcially on a leash, I had to constantly refrain myself from making those common mistakes that I, and most "dog lovers", make. And whenever I forget, Pete will always be very quick in reminding me - ah-ah!

So I guess I had myself on an invisible leash.

If you ask me or Pete how I did today, I would say only so-so. Pete may even say that I wasn't up to par, as I have made a couple of the same mistakes over again.

Old habits die hard. It's not like I don't understand what should and should not be done. It's just that when things are happening, I didn't pay enough attention and reacted inappropriately without using my brains first.

I am getting the feeling that training dogs are not difficult. but training us the humans are. I mean, look at me, I know the do's and don't's by heart already, but I will still commit the same mistakes again as soon as I let myself off guard.

What else can I say? There is no excuses for being careless.

Pay more attention and practice, practice, practice!

On the whole, today was very well spent as I did get to see a variety of dogs and got to handle some of the more "problematic" ones. It wasn't too eventful as I wasn't bitten or attacked, but it was good practice for me. Better yet, I could learn from observing Pete's methods and ask questions right on the spot, gaining practical experience right away.

Yeah, I stink when I got home, smelling like a dirty dog. But hey, who cares. twenty minutes in a hot shower and I'm smelling nice and clean already. Besides, I've never have any issues with caring for dogs, even if it meant getting down on my hands and knees. Yeah, I may be a clean freak to a certain extent, but not always. When circumstances change, I change too. And when it comes to dogs, I have no hesitations.

It has been an interesting day and I think I have learned a bit more that what I already knew before the start of the day. Progress may be a bit slow but I'll try to catch up.

Until next time, I will dutifully practice the do's and don't's with my own kiddies at home then!

Hmm... now I'm getting sleepy.

Gotta teach tomorrow, so I'd better go check in with my boyfriend, Chau Kung-Tzi, now.


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Tomorrow will mark the first day of my official "doggie training" with Pete.

This time, it's not about training Tinsel or Kimba, but more of a wider exposure to different dogs and different conditions.

Hopefully, in time, I will be able to help other dogs with behavorial problems, just as Pete has helped Tinsel.

It's a bit funny how it feels so different this time though.

I mean, how I felt the night before Tinsel's first lesson, and how I am feeling now.

If you ask me whether I am looking forward to tomorrow, I would definitely say Yes, I can't wait to meet the dogs (good or bad ones), and like-minded dog lovers.

But I am not nervous at all. Not a tiny weeny bit.

Just happy that I am going to be learning from Pete and to embark on a new mission.

D-Day - an interesting day.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Diggin in

I had a little debate with my Mom the other day, which sort of prompted me to do some reflections on myself.

The conversation sort of started with dog training, on how I am so happy I've found someone to learn the tricks from etc...

Then my Mom commented that I've always been like this, having loads of interests but have no persistency to see any of them through.

It wasn't directed as a criticism, but more like a mother stating a fact about her daughter. Plus, this wasn't the first time I've heard that comment so I wasn't really upset or anything.

But somehow, I just felt that it's about time to clarify the issue with my Mom. So I asked her to explain what she meant.

"Well, you've dipped your fingers into this and into that, and everytime you'll go really crazy about them. Then what? A couple of months or maybe a year later, when you're bored with them, you will pick up something else."


My dear mother really knows her daughter well. It's just that her definition of "persistency" is slightly different from mine.

Yes, I love dipping my fingers into all sorts of things, and Yes, I go really crazy every time, fueling my interest with all my passion. I don't just "dip my fingers" into it, I will dive in full fledge and experience whatever I will be doing to the fullest capacity. Then what? Then after sometime, when I find it non-challenging or when there is nothing new to learn anymore, I will start something else. And something else. And something else. All true. Very true, in fact.

But I don't consider myself nonpersistent. I believe I am living my life to the fullest because I am truly experiencing the journey of learning, evolving and growing.

Who is more persistent? Mr. A who practices Tai-Chi once a week for 5 years, or Mr. B who has only practiced for a year, but practices 5 times a week? The total number of practices may be the same, but Mr. B is putting a lot more committment to his practice, and will definitely benefit more from it.

I don't half-ass on things. I dig in. Simple as that.

But that alone doesn't justify the meaning of the word, persistent, as there should be a matter of continuity involved.

Yeah right - but did I mention I will just drop whatever I was doing and start something new, or did I just say I'll start something new?

Most of the interests or hobbies that I have had or am having, will continue to be a part of my life even after I've "moved on" to something else. The only things I drop out entirely were the ones that I've explored and found to be unsuitable for me or my lifestyle. Others, like wine and tea tasting, dogs (everything about them), baking (dog cookies), reading, bowling, travelling, yoga, etc....have all at one time or another, been the center of my intense passion. Once I've experienced them to my satisfaction, they will be weaved into my daily lives and become a part of me.

In other words, not being a wine fanatic anymore doesn't mean I won't be enjoying a nice bottle of wine from time to time.

They will always be there, ready to join in at whatever I will be doing. It's just that I don't do them with the same kind of intensity that I used to have, that' all.

So, do you call that persistent, or not?

Ms. Hong Kong

One last post before I hit the sack.

OK, so I got this really short haircut today.

And my Mom beefs about it being too short.

But I thought it's quite cool, and it's not the first time I got something of this length anyways.

So just now, out of curiousity, I asked my dear hubby if it's really that bad.

Guess what he says?

"No, not at all, in fact, in the primate community, you'll be Ms. Hong Kong already."

Errr... maybe I should start learning how to charm monkeys instead of dogs then.

Know how to tame monkeys, Pete?

Nite nite,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tonight's the night

I've finally gotten my nerves together to sit down and take out all my wines for a final wiping down.

This WILL be the last time that I will be wiping molds off the labels.

Then I will put those disposable dehumidifying thing (or whatever you call it) into the wine fridge, one on every shelf.

And I swear, if they EVER dare to mold up again, I will open a bottle a night and once I'm done with all of them, I will kick the damn fridge 100 times before throwing it into the ditch.

And no more wine storing at home.

- AM with a bio-warfare mask

Mama's girl

Took Tinsel to her vet's today for her ear infection check-up. Turns out that she had a ruptured ear drum with lots of wax and hair clogged up inside.

Must be so uncomfortable and possibly painful for her, but she's been so good with all the twice daily cleaning, ear massaging etc... poor girl.

Now she's home, slightly groggy from her sedation and following me around with sad looking eyes, pleading for attention. My heart is melting and I just want to hold her all night. But all I can do is give her one big hug and lay her down onto her bed. Gotta keep any "gentle moments" brief. One of the most difficult thing to do in the whole training regime. Essential, but tough for us the adults.

And by the way, I got a really short haircut today, and shocked the hell out of my own Mama. :)

Guess we have two big Mama's girl here afterall!
