Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A tingle in my heart

Helping out at the shelters is sometimes a difficult thing for me.

It is so disappointing to see how we, human beings, can be so cruel and selfish. How one living being can inflict so much harm to another.

It is sad to see most of the animals still plagued with injuries or illnesses, or trembling from fear and uncertainty.

It is, at times, discouraging to know that whatever I am doing is just not enough.

But there is this compelling force that overpowers all feelings of despair, that keeps me going.

That encouraging feeling to see how the helpless animals have not given up hope, how they still strived to survive despite whatever ordeal they've been through before. Living in the present moment. To live, to survive, to be safe.

And that special moment of connection between me and a dog. The kind of unspoken understanding and appreciation going between us. Not a word of "thank you" or "woof-woof", not a lick on my hand, just this silent obedience filled with contentment and trust.

The overwhelming knowledge that a small dedicated group of caring individuals have not given up hope either, and whatever small effort I was making will indeed contibute to the greater cause.

The satisfaction of seeing that subtle change in an animal's eyes.

All those little moments when I feel a tingle in my heart.

And that's all that matters.


Dogs speak a million words through their eyes....

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