Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh gosh!

Oh f.....!
Didn't know what was wrong with me, but I have totally mixed up my schedule this morning, and ended up missing one of the classes. One that I'm supposed to teach. First time in my life, ever.
Don't ask me why. I don't even know what happened. I actually woke up quite early, and took my bloody sweet time to get ready, all the while thinking that I'll be teaching a 1:30pm class. Didn't know where that idea came from, coz I have been teaching 12:30pm on Wednesdays all along.
And when noon comes, I was all ready to go, still thinking that I'm way ahead of time. Then hubby turned around and asked, I thought you're teaching a 12:30 class?
I totally froze. Oh-no! What in the world was I thinking?
I was so darn embarassed when I called the studio. Lucky for me, another teacher, Vincent, is already in and could switch his class with me. So now I'll be teaching his 4:30 pm Vinyasa III instead. Phew!
But why? Early dementia? *sigh* I have no freaking idea.
Anyways, gotta run now. Teaching three classes back to back today!

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