Monday, June 15, 2009

AYC afterthoughts...

Home sweet home. Finally.

Tired as hell, but completely dazed from four full days of bliss.

If I can't call that bliss, then I don't know how to describe it anymore. All that prana, hovering over the Convention Center. It's like, a yogic atomic explosion. And being part of it was simply blissful.

I'm not saying that everything about the Conference was perfect, as there were indeed somethings that could have been done better. Like having Cantonese and Mandarin translations during the practices. Bad idea. Nothing to do with the translators, as they were doing a good job, but on the spot translations during an asana practice just wasn't right. The whole thing got really choppy, stopping and going, stopping and going. Nothing much got done over the 2 hour practice, not to mention that it's just hard to turn inward when you constantly have two voices speaking to you. Bad. Real bad.

And there was the disappointment of not seeing some of my favorite yoga clothing booths at the conference bazaar. But that disappointment only lasted for a couple of hours, as I found another booth with some sale items in my size, and so my spirits were lifted right away. :D

And nothing, nothing beats studying with some of my most respected yoga teachers. Mark Whitwell, David Swenson, David Life, Sharon Gannon, Desiree Rumbaugh, Ellen Heed, Jason Crandell, etc, etc....

Thank you, my teachers, for a full four days of learning and growing. Thank you for enriching my life, just a little bit more.


Mark Whitwell 2009

David Swenson 2007

David Swenson 2008

David Swenson 2009

Desiree Rumbaugh 2008

Desiree Rumbaugh 2009

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