Met up with Pete at the Tung Chung MTR around 1-ish.
Tall, well-built guy with a baseball cap and a huge backpack. Friendly, assertive and confident.
He introduced himself and started talking about dogs and dog training in general. I tried to relax but all the while, couldn't stop but worry about how to make our entrance as Tinsel wasn't muzzled or crated. She has been known to be really territorial about her home, especially when it comes to male strangers.
So while Pete was trying to educate me on dog psychology, I tried hard to listen in, but was basically worrying sick about what will be happening next.
I got even more nervous when Pete asked if Tinsel is running free at home and indicated that he will be going in with me just like that. I think I basically turned white, as I was already thinking of "damage control", i.e. bandages and stitches etc....
To my huge surprise, nobody got bitten and there wasn't much of an issue when we entered our flat. Tinsel barked and charged at Pete initially, but backed off to the side once she came close to him. Pete walked straight across and sat on the couch, which was, to Tinsel, another "prime" spot that strangers were not allowed. Tinsel just retreated to her crate, observing.
Little did I know, this would be the first of many Wow's to follow.
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5 years ago
"Tall, well-built guy with a baseball cap and a huge backpack. Friendly, assertive and confident."
You missed out the most important parts - handsome and charismatic. :P
Missing Tinsel and Kimba.
Oh-o, here he goes again...I think I must have forgotten to mention, "with a hint of arrogance"... :)
And I have to protest, how come you only missed the furkids and not the no-so-furry humans? Don't tell me, it's the furrier the merrier, huh?
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