Monday, March 23, 2009

Going with the flow

I'm super sober.

Had a great family gathering, chatting into the wee hours of the morning.

Ate a lot and laughed a lot more.

Super happy. Super content.

And super ready for all the stuff Life's throwing at me.

Not complaining but just reflecting.

A friend told me not long ago that all he wanted was to slow down and enjoy a mellow lifestyle, yet things kept coming at him and he is always as busy as ever.

This is so darn true.

Just when I thought I could slow down a bit, quit the office, and enjoy my "golden years", things took a quick turn and dazzled me with colorful temptations.

Add it to too little self-control and now I will be super busy for the next few months, doing things that I will enjoy doing immensely.

I mean, yeah, I wanted to be a lazy ass, but how can I resist dogs and or yoga?

No choice but to go with the flow, and hit everything with all the feistiness in me.

So doggies here I come.

Yoga here I come, and yes, China, here I come too.

But before all that, bed, here I come now.

Sweet dreams,

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