Monday, March 16, 2009

The Pot, the Kettle, and a Cup o'tea

Felt a bit heady when I got home this afternoon, so I took a massive dose of Vit C and dropped dead on the bed.

Now four and a half hours later, I am enjoying my Matcha honey as my second defense and feeling much better. It usually works so I am not too worried.

But it's just a bit ironic. I was just wishing my friends and family good health when I got hit with the bug myself. All that crap about taking good care of yourself for your loved ones blah blah blah, then what? Oophs, I think I am feeling dizzy...??!

The pot calling the kettle black.

But hey, I am taking action to care for myself though, I am doing something to fight back the bug.... so I guess I'm not the pot after all! I'm more like... a cup of tea - filled with goodies....hee hee...

So to my friends again, take good care of yourself - not just for yourself, but more importantly, for those who care about you.

And before I sign off for tonight, here's a big hug to Marko - wishing you well.

Sweet dreams,

P.S. an old photo of the "tea lady" during my tea vending days...a bit dorky, but anyways, Cheers!

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