Saturday, March 28, 2009


Kids. I mean the four-legged ones.

They give you the best kisses (licks) and best hugs (warm furry body).

They got the best loving eyes (heart melting) and are your best buddies (curling up by your feet).

But when they're not well, they really get you worrying.

At least I do.

Tinsel is still having really soft stools, her ear infection is not completely well, and her feet chewing is coming back. Vet says to stay on a bland diet, continue washing her ear twice a day, and go back in two weeks (or call if her stools gets worse). Two weeks? Yeah, right. Might as well just tell me not to go back again.

Then Kimba. In addition to having some pimples on his chest, I've just found some dandruff peeling off between his toes. Is there such a thing as Canine Athlete's foot in Hong Kong? Huh?

Tinsel has never, ever, had an ear infection. Her tummy is usually very well and she's had the runs for less than 4 times in her entire life as a 5 year old.

Kimba has never had any skin problems. He just likes to fart.

But now....?
This is so frustrating. I feel like a bad negligent mom.

Anyways, I'm going to play the role of Ms. Nightingale now and clean up their ears, feet, and chest, before applying the corresponding creams and ointments.

Keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for the best.
Nite everyone,

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