Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My first grooming!

Hello everyone!

Tinsel here. I'm so darn proud to tell ya all that I've been to my first grooming session yesterday, and I'm so darn pretty now! Yay!

Yesterday, after eating lunch, Mom drove me and Kimbie over to Cindy's grooming parlour and I had thought we were just dropping by to say Hi. Little did I know, we were actually going there for our "spa sessions" for real. For Real.


It was so much fun. I got so much pampering and attention that I felt like a little princess. A pretty one too, for the matter.

Cindy and her assistants were firm but nice to me, and I wasn't afraid at all. I was smiling all day and never, even once, thought of nipping or biting anyone. All in all, I had a really enjoyable day and I really look forward to my next visit again.

If Cindy (and Mom) would let me, that is.

Well, you see, something did happen at Cindy's and it was really embarrasing. I've pooped right on the grooming table!! Yeah, it's THAT embarrasing.


But my tummy wasn't feeling right. It hasn't been for about a day already but then my poop was just a bit soft, so Mom thought I would be OK. Then it became really bad yesterday but I tried to hold it down, until I could no longer. I dirtied the table and even myself, so Cindy has to wash my behind again. I just hope she's not mad at me for that.....what? Oh, Mom just told me that it's ok, and Cindy wasn't pissed at me, thank goodness!

Anyways, afterwards when Mom came to pick me up, I had another round of tummy ache again and this time, pooped a few drops of blood. Ouch! I was given a fast for the night, i.e. no food, so my tummy can rest. Honestly, I didn't mind it much since I didn't have much of an apetite anyways.

Pooped a few more times after getting home and then crashed in while Mom watched over me. Boy, I was literally all pooped out by then!

This morning, shortly after 9, I woke to a cooling sensation around my lips, hmmm... ice. Mom was holding an ice cube for me. I was already feeling much better and savored every lick of it. Love ice.

Apparently, Mom has already called my vet and got the OK from them that I will not need any meds for the time being, but I will still need to fast until dinner time. Oh-no! So now I'm really hungry but had to wait till at least 6-ish before I can have my turkey soup. It's not even 1 pm yet so it's going to be a tough 6 hours' wait....

Big licks to my b-day Mom,

I can smell the soup, I can smell the soup......

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