Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm bewitched.

I do enjoy spending time with the kids, but I've never, ever, enjoyed walking with them so much. It's like, going on a date. You know that lingering feeling, where you just don't feel like going home?

Well, that's exactly how I am feeling now.

Going out with them is so much fun that time just flew by in a blink. Chatting with people, meeting dogs, bikes, razors, everything is just fun. No more running away, no more dodging around. Just go straight into the center of everything and take in whatever the moment brings.


And from time to time, I would catch a glimpse of Tinsel looking up at me for direction, or Kimba trotting so nicely beside Dad or Lolita.

All priceless moments.

I think I will be ready for the big challenge soon - bringing Tinsel down to the off leash park all by myself, without Pete or Cindy overlooking us. The idea of doing so still brings a light tremor in my heart, but I am sure that it will not be long before it will become a tremor of joy instead.

Until then, I will continue working with Tinsel, to fine tune all those little glitches and to polish our "courting skills".

And now, it's time for something that I also enjoy doing immensely - yoga. Have a great evening, everyone!

Om Shanti,

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