It all started Saturday morning, where I woke running to the bathroom.
Continued every 2 hours or so, wiping me out by the end of the day.
With consisitent intake of probiotics, I had thought I had the situation under control. At least things were trailing off by Monday and I felt fine by yesterday morning.
Felt so good that I even went out with my Mom and had dimsum with her.
But then, it all began again. Back and forth to the bathroom, cramps and shivers.
And now, I am holding onto a pack of Lomotil in addition to my Udo's Choice, keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that it will all stop soon.
And now more than ever, I wished I have one of those Toto Bidets nearby so my "so very sorry ass" could have a little TLC.
Oh-o, gotta run again....
Uh-oh......... still not fully recovered yet.
If you need anything, or there's anyway I can help, give me a shout........ it's my turn to help.
Take care Ann.
Maybe you could take this opportunity to use our 'calming energy' to calm your not-so-calm tummy?
Thanks Pete, for asking. Please send good vibes and your strong calming energy, Kay?
Better yet, if you have one of those bum washing toilets, I'd love to come and borrow it. ;}
See ya Friday.
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