Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy breezy Thursday

Another sunny, breezy day in Hong Kong.

Sort of feels like Vancouver's summertime.


And a great day for being on the road!

First I will be chauffeuring the "Groomer's Express", taking all four dogs to Cindy's for grooming. Yep. Four. Tinsel, Kimba, Latte and Mokka, all having a spa party together.

Then lunch with a friend (pasta, pasta!), followed by an accupressure massage (ouch, ouch, ouch!) After that, back to the studio to teach a class (om, shanti.....), before heading back to Cindy's to pick up the kids (wow!)

Yeah, Wow. It's going to be one hellava busy day, but hey, can't be complaining when you got such nice weather!

And I can't imagine how pretty the kids will all be when I see them tonight! All pampered, all groomed.

It's just so-ooo nice!

And now, it's time for a little brunch....wonton, anyone?

Have a nice day,

Homemade zuchinni and pork wonton...yum yum...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pictures please!

auntie g