Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gearing up for Adoption Day

T-shirts: Check.

Banner: Check.

Bandanas: Check.

All ready for the upcoming Adoption Day this coming Sunday, May 31st, at the Discovery Bay International School.

Much thanks to all of us who have collectively made this possible.

Fashion Consultant Stephanie for being the key mastermind behind it all. For doing most of the leg work, and for tapping onto her resources in order to get things done. One impressive lady who has her hands-on from the very beginning, from driving us around to source raw materials, to designing the shirts and bandanas, seeing them through to cutting and silkscreening, and coordinating everything, all the way to the finished products.

Graphics Designer Michelle, for designing the banner and for putting it together for print within a very short time frame.

Professional Pattern Cutter, Mr. Chan, for cutting the patterns for all three sizes of bandanas for us.

Lita for her diligent work of pre-washing and ironing the materials, and for cutting out the actual bandanas, piece by piece.

And lastly, Pete for his advice on how we could have helped make the Adoption Day more effective without being intrusive.

And of course, a pat on my own back for being a part of this awesome teamwork.

Great job, guys and gals!

And now, to the PALS Adoption Team: go get 'em, tiger!

Photos of the Tee's and Bandana's coming soon....
Our 3'x8' banner:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Staying Rooted

Busy but enjoyable day at home, training with the kids.

So good to see how things are going back on track with just one dedicated day with them. It's also a wake up call for me, as I've been out a lot lately and have really slacked off on their training. There's no excuse, as I'm supposedly their guardian and I'm totally responsible for their safety and happiness.

I've been all over, juggling many things at a time, teaching, training, planning, organizing, executing. Over-estimating my own capacity and under-estimating the complexity of things at times, and therefore, over-stretching myself ever so often.

It's all about staying rooted again.

Gotta ground myself and refrain from floating in all directions.

It's about saying Yes, and also, saying No.

Knowing when to say Yes, I want to do this, I want to accomplish this.

And knowing when to say No, I won't push myself too far, I will not rush things.

Resolution to self: Re-organize. Prioritize. Breathe.

One day at a time. One thing at a time.

Sweetest dreams, my friends,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, Monday....

Another lazy Monday, day of rest and recuperation for me.

Dragged my lazy butt out for a yoga practice and it was totally awesome. Got myself into one of my deepest backbends - wow.

Amazing to find out how my lousy backbends could have improved so much when I am no longer pushing it, but instead, letting my practice develop naturally on its own. It's good reminder that I should sometimes slow down, let things sink in and take hold, rather than rushing everything my way.

Another note to self: Slow down. Stay rooted. Breathe.

It's sometimes easier said than done.

But I'll try.

Nite everyone,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Furry Face

On my way home from the LFS Kennels on Friday, images kept flashing in front of my eyes.




Dogs at the kennel, saying a million words without the use of any vocal expressions.

It was then that I've decided to set up a separate blog dedicated to these big and little fellas that I've met at the shelters. A small cyber corner where their faces will be posted and remembered. And maybe, hopefully, giving them one extra chance to connect with a potential new home.

Please check it out when you have time.

Or better yet, if you know of any friends who may be interested in taking in a new dog, please forward him/her the link and let her know that I'd be so glad to help connect them with the shelters if they should be interested to know more.

Thanks and have a great remaining weekend,


Back to help at the LFS Kennels on Friday again.

An easier job this time around, with refined techniques and smoother teamwork.

Dogs were also calming down a lot more, making it easier for us to bring most of them in.

Also giving me major heartaches to say goodbye to them at the end of the day.

This may be the last time that I will be helping out there, at least for the next little while, as I cannot switch my teaching schedule around all that often. As much as I want to be with the dogs, I still have to respect my role as a yoga teacher and be there for my scheduled classes.

I know I will miss them. In fact, I'm missing them already.

I wish them all well.

Happy and well.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My last attempt....

I'm beginning to feel dizzy and trembly, probably from lack of energy.

Been making myself plain congee for the day but nothing seems to hold, simply comes right out the other end in a matter of hours.

Lomotil doesn't work anymore as it only slows down bowel movements. Whatever I have in there is just too strong to be flushed out naturally by my body, so I have only one last resort before heading out to the Doc.


One final attempt to flush everything out before reaching out for antibiotics.

Sounds gross but usually effective in wiping out both friendly and harmful bacteria in the gut. Then I can start all over again by taking massive doses of probiotics to repopulate the friendly stuff in there.

And if it doesn't work, I'll be calling the quits and seeing the Doc. Can't prolong this any more as I'm really starting to feel weak.

One last bowl of congee, and off to my "private chambers" I go.


I'll be spending the next two hours in the toilet, and let's hope it'll work......wish me luck.

Running the runs

It all started Saturday morning, where I woke running to the bathroom.

Continued every 2 hours or so, wiping me out by the end of the day.

With consisitent intake of probiotics, I had thought I had the situation under control. At least things were trailing off by Monday and I felt fine by yesterday morning.

Felt so good that I even went out with my Mom and had dimsum with her.

But then, it all began again. Back and forth to the bathroom, cramps and shivers.


And now, I am holding onto a pack of Lomotil in addition to my Udo's Choice, keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that it will all stop soon.

And now more than ever, I wished I have one of those Toto Bidets nearby so my "so very sorry ass" could have a little TLC.

Oh-o, gotta run again....


Friday, May 15, 2009: LFS Kennels Part II

Converted from an abandoned pig farm, the Lau Fau Shan Dog Kennels consisted of about 10 separate enclosed pig pens plus a few storage huts (I didn't count). The dogs, who were mostly strays, were being housed 18-20 per converted pig pen, i.e. per kennel. Some of the calmer, friendlier ones have free roaming of the kennel grounds, while the less human/dog friendly ones were being confined within separate kennels, forming their own packs, co-existing and fighting amongst themselves. It was not a pretty sight, as the dogs were mostly mid to larger sized mutts, and usually strays. Most of them have roamed the villages all their lives and have never had a "home", not to mention ever being on a leash. They know no rules other than striving for survival, fighting for food, and defending their own safety. Most, if not all of them, have scars from old and recent fights.

It was sad to see them in such a state. Even more so to realize that they will have very minimal chance of being adopted, of having a real loving home to call their own. The reality is, a lot of them will probably spend the remaining days of their lives in this kennel.

This may seem quite disheartening at first. However, without Kelly and her kennel, these "unappealing" dogs would have had a much shorter life, fending for themselves in the villages, and being chased after by us, the humans. Those who may be caught by the AFCD, would most likely be put down because of their "unadoptability". Within the kennel grounds now, at least they will have a second chance, no matter how slim that chance may be. Those with a cuter face or friendlier nature may find themselves through to other dog rescues or even a new home. Those who are not so appealing or adoptable, could at least spend their remaining days under the shelter of the kennel grounds.

It is not in my capacity to comment or criticize the if's, why's and how's of the kennel, but I have to say that I have the utmost respect for shelter owners like Okka and Kelly; for their love of animals, their determination, and courage to continue rescuing and caring for them. Day after day, month after month, year after year.

Helping out at the shelters has been one of the most deep reaching experience of my dog training, and I would never forget this first day at the Lau Fau Shan Kennels.

Entering the first dog kennel was quite an experience. The dogs were not aggressive, but definitely defensive, trying to protect their turf and defend their grounds. It was quite hair-raising at first, with so many large and mean looking dogs sniffing, barking, nudging or even jumping at me. Before I walked through the fence, I had thought that I would either freak out or I would have to hold onto Pete for my dear life as long as I was inside of those fences. But to my surprise, all it took was a couple of deep inhales and exhales, and I felt my emotions switching naturally from nervous to calm. Maybe it was because of Pete's reassuring and calming energy, or maybe it was because of that little streak of stubborness in me. Or maybe, a little of both. All I knew was, I wouldn't be able to work with the dogs if I couldn't get inside of those fences. I had no time to fidget around and I just gotta go in and do my job. This tranformation from nervous to calm, this switching over, happened so naturally that it was almost trance-like. It was only afterwards that I came to the realization that at that very moment, I have, again, achieved a deeper understanding of my energies.

The second, and following kennels just happened naturally afterwards. Even sitting inside individual cages with the dogs were a lot less scary for me. I began to have a better grip on my energies; when to put on my calming energy in order to calm the dogs, and when I would need to elevate to a more assertive energy in order to break down fights or ward off advances from a challenging dog. Subtle but natural transitions of enerigies now all getting clearer and clearer for me.

I'm so amazed and gratified to have such an incredible experience.

Yes, it was hard work. It was really exhaustive. And I got briused all over. But it was worth it. Every moment of it.


One of the dog kennels from above...

Pete teaching one of the dogs that having a leash is not a scary thing....

Waiting for my second chance... would you give me a new home please?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009: LFS Kennels Part I

Another sunny day. Wished it could be a little more cloudy and breezy, as it was actually a bit too hot and stuffy for heavy duty dog work.

Went to the Lau Fau Shan Dog Kennels with Pete and Cindy to help reign in and restrain the dogs for their vaccinations. Over 130 dogs in total, all getting a shot from Dr. Joe, plus a third of them needing their rabies and microchip shots from the AFCD vets.

Mission completed in about 5 hours, with all of us, including Dr. Joe, Okka (PALS owner), and Kelly (LFS Kennels owner) all drenched in sweat and completely exhausted.

One of the most exhaustive dog day that I've had so far, but also one of the most rewarding one as well.

A real eye opener to the animal world, where the saying, "survival of the fittest" is being played out in real life, every minute, every second.

First hand observation of real pack instincts, and first hand experience of how calming energies can truly affect the dogs.

Looking back, it has also strengthened my determination and perserverance by enabling me to push through till the end, even though I was almost on the verge of breaking down at one point. Cindy was already pushing herself to her limits as she was coming down with a flu, and there I was, shaking from fatigue, on the brink of collapse. There was this brief moment of despair, of hopelessness, where I just felt that we could never get the job done. However, I knew that I could not give up, not there, not then. There were at least a good 30 dogs that needed their shots and we were just "that" close to finishing. So I pushed on. WE pushed on, all of us, and got every last dog vacinnated in the end.

It was great team work and even greater learning experience for all of us.

Yes, it was tough. It was exhausting. And at some point, even a bit scary. But it was really worth it. Every moment of it.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Down to my knees

I'm red. All the way down to my knees.

Interpretation: I'm quite tipsy. Very borderline - almost drunk.


Yeah, had a great time with my friend again, and tried a different sake this time. Another brand but still my favorite type of sake, Nigorizake, kindda the "cloudy" sake.

Yum Yum.

I get red from drinking any kind of alcoholic drinks, and it always start from the face down. One sip and I start to get red in the face. A couple more and I'll have a red rosy complexion. More and I look quite red. Then it goes down to my chest, belly, thighs and all the way to my toes. When I'm drunk, as in, sleepy drunk, then I'll be at least red in my calves.

I call that my "drink-o-meter". So whenever I hang out with friends, all I need to do is take a peep at my thighs or my belly, and I'll know where I am at. Quite convenient, isn't it?

Anyways, it's always great to have a nice dinner with even nicer company.

Enjoyed every moment of it.

Nitey nitey,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A new brand of cigs....

Spent the day with my folks and took them out to the Goldcoast for some sun and fun.

And found this new brand of cigs....LoMac Lights...

One old punk dad and his "not-so-old" old punk daughter, me.
(smoking LoMac Lights....arrr... actually, McDonald's fries)

Countess Dracula and her old mom with only one tooth

Have a great evening!
-AM :)

Flow, life, flow...

.... and please keep the momentum going.

I'm super grateful for what I have today.

And hopeful of what's to come.

Determined to share any happiness, any contentment, with others.

Through actions, and not just words.

Here's to Life,

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Yes, freedom!

No longer obligated to go to China in June to do this yoga gig that I didn't want to do. Freeing up a good two weeks' time to do whatever I feel like doing.

Like the up-coming yoga conference....four full days of total immersion, four full days of living, breathing, dreaming, of nothing but yoga. And followed by more than four full days of sore bums and thighs and arms and....sore everywhere.

But I'll love it coz this is what I enjoy doing.

Being on the mat is grounding and calming for me. But being on the mat with a true master and a room full of dedicated yogis is even more so.

All that positive and supportive energy. All that dedication and inspiration.

And on top of all that, it will also mean that I will have more time to train with dogs, mine and others, and to help at the shelter.

Something that I love doing just as much, if not more.

Yoga is a practice of self discipline and connection to my inner self.

Dog training is an extension of my yoga practice. Taking yoga off the mat, incorporating self discipline and connecting not only to myself but also to the dogs.

I am so fortunate to be able to have found the best of both worlds. Yoga through my mentoring teacher Ada, and Dog Training through my amazingly inspirational teacher, Pete.

There's so much to learn in both disciplines. So much to experience. So much to grow from.

What more can I say? Life's really treating me well.

Love, laugh, live...

We're so blessed to have such lovely weather so many days in a row.

Sunny but not hot. Breezy with low humidity. It's just darn nice to be out and about.

Even nicer to have great company - afternoon tea with a friend, followed by an Anusara class, and then dinner with family.

Family (including the furry ones), friends and yoga.

Love, laugh, live.

Isn't that what life's about?

Mom and her big monkey (i.e. me)

Dad and me

And finally, my "not so little" little sister, going to the loo...while I took her photo thru the door vents...hee hee.... I LOVE teasing her sometimes.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gettin' ready for summer.... style!

the hot stud

the seductress

Chic and sexy, eh?

Hmmm...maybe it's time for me to consider a new summer cut too!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Groomer's Express

What a long, exhaustive, yet productive day!

All four doggies got groomed - thanks to Cindy and her grooming team - all of them nice and clean and pretty (or handsome). :)

Not only that I got to have lunch with a friend and then enjoyed my massage, I even got time to sneak out in between and did a bit of shopping.

And now, a few grands later, I'm happily looking at two cleanly shaved doggies, a new floor steam cleaner, and a few packs of venison steak for the kids.

Yeah, all for the kids (even the floor cleaner), and nothing for me.... :{

But that's OK, coz I'm happy as long as home is clean and cosy and the kids are happy and healthy.

And that's about all I can say for today....will take photos of the kids in daylight and post them then!

Meanwhile, I gotta head out to my irresistable date with Prince Chau, aka Chau-Kung (you can tell how sleep-deprived I am now as "Mr." Chau is now "Prince" Chau). I am really missing him big time!

Nite nite,

The Doggie Rickshaw transiting passengers to the Groomer's Express: with two dirty dogs and an empty thermal bag:

Doggie Rickshaw en route back home: with two gorgeous dogs, a steam cleaner, and a bagful of meat and fishies:

Note: No, the crate is not for confining Tinsel, it's actually for keeping Latte and Mokka safe in my car as I cannot handle four dogs alone when I'm driving. Both Tinsel and Kimba got their own seatbelts and are always strapped onto their own seats. Tinsel's just hitching a ride to and fro the car and loving it, as you can tell. ;)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy breezy Thursday

Another sunny, breezy day in Hong Kong.

Sort of feels like Vancouver's summertime.


And a great day for being on the road!

First I will be chauffeuring the "Groomer's Express", taking all four dogs to Cindy's for grooming. Yep. Four. Tinsel, Kimba, Latte and Mokka, all having a spa party together.

Then lunch with a friend (pasta, pasta!), followed by an accupressure massage (ouch, ouch, ouch!) After that, back to the studio to teach a class (om, shanti.....), before heading back to Cindy's to pick up the kids (wow!)

Yeah, Wow. It's going to be one hellava busy day, but hey, can't be complaining when you got such nice weather!

And I can't imagine how pretty the kids will all be when I see them tonight! All pampered, all groomed.

It's just so-ooo nice!

And now, it's time for a little brunch....wonton, anyone?

Have a nice day,

Homemade zuchinni and pork wonton...yum yum...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One little inspiration...

Okay. Time for a little confession.

I've realized that I'm slowly becoming a half-ass-er, or whatya-ma-call it.

This came clear to me during my Power yoga class this evening, when I was inverted in Sirsasana II, a tripod headstand, and a trail of sweat started crawling down my chest towards my chin.

I was supposedly focusing on engaging my bandhas and enjoying my ujjayi, but then all of a sudden, all I could focus on was the sweat, slowly dripping, crawling, on my skin.

This was when I realized that my practice has shifted without my knowledge. I was no longer giving my fullest. In the past, I was always completely focused and dedicated when I'm on the mat. I would play my edges and push myself to my limits in each and every pose. And I truly enjoyed such moments...connecting my mind with my breath, in bliss.

But now, on a superficial level, it may seem that everything's the same and I'm still connected and playing my edges and all. But it has finally dawned on me that it's now limited to the physical level and I am only half committed on a mental as well as a spiritual level.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed that bead of sweat or any other external disturbances.

Looking back, this sort of started after I returned to Hong Kong, as I still remembered complaining about how "physical" Hong Kong's yoga was and how the overall energy wasn't calming or spiritually enriching. Then very slowly, unknowingly, I drifted along with the mass and lose sight of my true practice.

Luckily I've finally came to my realization so I could change direction and turn everything right again.

And coming to think of it, this whole thing actually sparked off from a recent conversation with a friend who used to teach yoga and was disappointed with how physical it has became. Little did I know, that "casual" conversation actually planted a seed in my mind which came to this awakening.

Thanks, my friend, for another little inspiration that will initiate much positive changes!


Werewolves 2009


The night is dark.

The wind is howling.

The streets are deserted.

Beware, for you may meet...the He and She wolves.

Werewolves 2009
Coming soon to a theatre near you...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

America's next Hot Idol

Hey babe!

Yeah, you got it right, it's America's next Hot Idol, Kimba the Prince Charming here! (I was truly American-born and I'm going to be one hot idol, Kay?)

Don't believe me? Then you'd better check out my latest "casting" photos below coz I've already asked my agent to send them to Hollywood and I'm pretty sure I'll land a role in the next blockbuster movie in no time!

I even have a couple of the outfits custom-fitted to my size already, so producers will have one less thing to worry about. Besides, I charge very reasonably too -- I mean, with all that talent in me, a coupla million bones shouldn't be too much to ask for, right?

So I guess all ya pretty gals should come over for some smoochies and a coupla of autographs now - before I become too hot and famous!

And meanwhile, enjoy my so-so-so-sexxy photos!


"Spiderdog Goes Bad" fitting photos

Check out my tailor-made Spider-suit!

"Pirate-doggie of the Carribean" casting photos

Ain't I hotter and cuter than Johnny Depp?

Country Pumpkin goes to the City

What Country Pumpkin? Huh? Who?


Are you sure? I mean, I'm from Vancouver after all - what? Mom says so?

Okay, okay...whatever! :{

Anyways, just in case you can't tell by now, it's Tinsel here. Mom says she's a bit tired today so she won't be using her PC tonight, therefore, I get to use her computer for a little blogging! Yay!

You see, I have to see Dr. Yim again today to follow-up on my allergic conditions, and both Kimbie and Lolita tagged along for the ride, so we had a little fun out in the City and didn't come home until late. I mean late, like almost midnight! Wow!

Yeah, first we took a long stroll around Kennedy Town after seeing Dr. Yim and I had quite an experience! All that noise and all that commotion! Buses and big cars roaring by and people walking left right and center! But of course, being the "new and improving" Tinsel that I am now, I didn't dodge around, but instead, trotted nicely beside Mom. I couldn't say that I was completely at ease because it was indeed a bit scary for me, but I held myself well. Mom says that's not bad for a start and we should do this more often. Well....errrr...sure!

After that, we went to Dad's workplace to pick him up before heading to a place called Happy Valley for dinner. Yeah, dining out in the City for real! I was so excited - all the scents and sounds were so new and interesting!

Shortly after, we arrived at a restaurant right across a tiny park with some benches and trees. We took a short walk in the park while Dad went and got us a table right outside facing the park. Nice!

It was quite a thrill to be out in the City as everything was a lot more noisier and busier. There were just a lot more things happening at the same time. Both me and Kimbie had a great time observing and sniffing out everything while the adults enjoyed their dinner. Some dogs went by with their humans and I didn't mind them at all. Somewhere along, a little poodle arrived with her humans and sat next to our table, and I hardly noticed her too. Like I said, I'm doing much better now and am getting used to what they called, "to see and to be seen"!

Everything would've been great if not for that funny looking "trainer" and his albino doggie. What? OK..sorry! Mom says I shouldn't call other people names, so I'll take that back. Anyways, there came this "trainer" and his doggie, and they started doing tricks in front of us, right in the center of the park. Jumping, dashing, running etc..., causing a lot of excitement in me and Kimbie (and the other doggie next to us), so I just couldn't resist the urge to bark at them for a little bit. It didn't last very long as Mom stopped me right away, so I gave them one last dirty look and turned away from them.

Things went on quite smoothly after that and Mom even got to enjoy her yummy almond dessert before we headed back to our car. I gotta tell ya, I really enjoyed this little "adventure" and couldn't wait till we go there (or anywhere) again!

Here are some photos of my "outdoor dining" experiences... enjoy!

See ya later, alligator,

March 2009: Temple Street w/ Cindy, Pete, Lolita, Mom and Kimbie

April 2009: Tung Chung with Lolita, Mom, Dad and Kimbie

May 2009: Happy Valley with Lolita, Mom, Dad and Kimbie

Me not minding my poodle neighbor (top right corner)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Taiwanese yum yum

Things that I always crave for whenever I'm in Taiwan:

Taipei branch operated by the daughter of the original owner in Tainan. I still vouch for the Tainan branch but hey, this is still one of the best noodles in Taipei!

A touristy must-have!

This dish is not as "famous" but worth a try - not too spicy but tingling with cumin and other spices.

Hmm....all irresistibly yummy, and all giving me this oppulsively stinking garlic breath afterwards....!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My weekend holiday

Hot springs baths (plenty of them!), strolls to the nearby village, yoga practice, yummy food and wine, more hot springs baths, a couple of movies, plenty of laughs, plus plenty of sleep!

Simply put, a nice, relaxing vacation with my dear loving hubby!


Friday, May 1, 2009

My Itchy Bum...

It's 4am in the morning and I'm finally sitting down to check my emails one last time - before I head out for my vacation in the morning.

Yep. A three-day vacation in a hot springs resort near Taipei.

Private in-room hot springs tub, breakfast, dinner, midnight snacks, and all in-room beverages included.

OMG, I'm going to put on so-oooo much weight. My next vacation will probably be one of those detox boot camps where there's only healthy salads with an x-amount of work-out a day, plus, get this, a Colonic irrigation every other day.

Don't laugh. My friend Emma is actually going to one of those detox boot camps in June. These places are for real and there are people who are willing to pay top dollars to get themselves starved and slaved.

I know I'll never be going to one of these places though. Colonic - I can take. Work-out - I can take. Salads and only salads? No freaking way. I'll stage a prison break after the third day for sure! If I'm paying for any kind of vacation, it'd better include some good food. A nice clean bed and a couple of good meals at the very least. It can be cheap local fare, but it gotta be yummy.

Food is quite an important part of travelling to me because it forms part of the local experience. Otherwise, there's just no point travelling if all I'm having is dear Old Mac!

And I do have an "Itchy Bum", as some of my friends may call it, as it seems that I can't sit still for very long. There's always some legit excuse for travelling. Either I need to attend some trade show or conference, or I'm doing some trade show or conference. Then there's yoga immersions and workshops. And last but not the least, there's always this one simple reason: a much needed vacation.

*sigh* If only I could bring the kids along...then I probably won't need a permanent home anywhere at all.

Hmmm.... and what'll be next?

The Great Wall, or the Mayan Ruins?

A beach-side hut, or a bungalow up in the Tibetan mountains?

Or simply, another yoga teacher training, or a surprise visit to my friends?

Hmmmm.....(tapping my fingers...) We'll have to see then...