Friday, July 24, 2009

Slooooow motion

What am I up to lately?


Working hard to strike down the errands on my list.

Two out of the original six being done, one in progress, leaving three still waiting in line.

But then, two new ones are now being added to the list, bringing everything back to square one again.


And I'm supposed to be semi-retired or something.

Okay, here's the new and revised list:

1. securing poultry supply for the kids;
2. finding a potential new home;
3. dentals;
4. confirming choice of health insurance (pending);
5. managing some govt issues regarding our rental;
6. concluding all matters related to reno for rental.

And of course, with all that in mind, one of the most important errand, if I may call it, will be, doing some serious financial planning.

Oh just too much to think about at this hour. Better catch some rest now and start everything again in the morning when my mind is all refreshed.

Sorry guys, I know I'm boring everyone out with all this ranting, but I'm just a bit swarmed lately and didn't know what to blog about.

Life can be boring at times, you know!


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