Saturday, July 4, 2009

Intrinsic goodness...or resident evil?

Do you believe that there is intrinsic goodness in everything, and in everyone? That no matter how "bad" that thing or that person looks on the outside, there is this tiny spark of intrinsic goodness hidden somewhere inside?

Or do you believe that there are some people who are just plain bad, rotten to the core, i.e. resident evil, and not worth even a thought?

I believe, that in true nature, everything, and everyone, has this spark of goodness hidden within. No matter how bad it looks from the outside. You just gotta look harder, not with your eyes, but with your heart. It's always there, like an unpolished gem, waiting for its chance to unveil, to dazzle us with its charm.

I don't believe in resident evil. No one, nothing, is meant and made to be bad from the start. Some may have gone astray, who have lost sight of their true calling, and have gone onto the wrong track. Like dogs with imbalanced mental conditions, and people with illogical minds. But they were all born with pure innocence. It was the lack of experience, or the overload of improper experience, that molded them into what they've become.

And that's when rehabilitation comes in. Proper guidance and support. Showing them the way. Helping them to get back onto the right track.

Some may take only a shove, and they'll get on with their way. Some may need more time and stronger leaders. But no matter what, once you get them started, they'll only get better, to different degrees, at different speeds.

And that's the beauty of it all.

Om namah shivaya,
ॐ नमः शिवय

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