Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's with bells?

Imagine a narrow pathway with a crowd of off leash dogs, large and small, including a pug, and two big dogs running and humping each other.

A bit of a commotion, isn't it? No problemo. Tinsel's walking right beside me, looking happy and even interested to explore a bit more.

But comes Fido with a bell, and Tinsel goes berserk.

What's with bells, anyway? I've been walking around with a bell on me for the last two hours and she doesn't even lift an eye.

Put it on a dog and she just goes off like that.

Guess Kimba, Mokka, and Latte will all be wearing bells on their walks from now on then.

Or better yet, Tinsel should be wearing one herself too.

Not a bad excuse for going shopping - for bells. :)

Sweet dreams everyone,

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