It was Lucky's fourth training lesson today and I'm proud to announce that Lucky is on his way to be a truly Happy-go-lucky guy!
By now, Lucky had already figured out that seeing me meant longer walks, and so naturally, he was really thrilled to see me today. He ran over to the rug in front of the couch, and did his "lucky dance", i.e. rolling over and rubbing his back on the rug. He was also very anxious and kept going to the door and back. I took my time, sipped tea and chatted with Steph, until he finally calmed down by our feet. It was only until then that I took his leash and led him out.
This time, I added a bit of a challenge to myself (and to Lucky) by asking Steph's helper to take Yoda downstairs ahead of us. This way, Lucky will be meeting Yoda on the street and we will let them both practice how and when they could greet each other. It was also good training for the humans as they could use this same technique for other dog to dog introductions.
Even though I have heard from Steph that Lucky has maintained his "improvements" for the past week, I was still a tidbit doubtful if Lucky will be so persistently good. I mean, Tinsel has so many incidents of relapses that it's just natural to expect the same from Lucky after all!
Well, Lucky did try to rush out the door at first, but with only one correction and he was back on track right away. He was a little more "vocal" than last time, but all it took was mild reminders and he would stop screeching right there and then. He has not acted out at any humans nor dogs during our whole walk tonight, even though we did meet a couple of shady dogs along our way. No barking out, not lunging out, at all. Even with Steph or her helper holding her leash.
The same Lucky that his humans thought were "incurable" because of his age and what-not, just a mere three weeks ago.
Again, (I know I'm very long-winded, but I really gotta say this!) I owe this to my teacher Pete and to Lucky for teaching me and for showing me again that nothing is impossible. Big back rubs to two equally charming gentlemen!
And now, time for me to unwind and take a few hours of beauty sleep for this old bod of mine, otherwise I won't have enough energy for my Anusara class tomorrow!
Wet, oophs.. no, Sweet Dreams, my friend,
I've already said this, but I'll say it again..... Brilliant work, yet something I never doubted you would accomplished.
Pat on your back, and mark Lucky as #1 dog you've rehabbed in the hopefully many that will follow.
hmmm...Lucky...yes, he is truly lucky coz he will now know how to enjoy his walks. As for being the #1 dog I've rehabbed... I would say, yes and no. You know what I mean...and I know you'll slap my hand again.
But that's truly what I felt.
Thanks, again and again!
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