Thursday, April 30, 2009

Earth calling Mars One....

"Mars One.... do you copy?........

"Tzzzz...zt...of free applications and....Tzzzzz.....just like a mini PC...tzzzzzt...."

"Earth calling Mars One...... do you copy?........"


"Earth calling Mars One, have you landed yet..... repeat.... have you landed yet?"


"Okay....Mars One, guess you've finally landed then!"


What you were reading above was actually a transcript of a phone conversation I just had with a friend.

A friend who was trying to talk me into getting an i-phone, and guess what he was using when we had that conversation? An i-phone!

I'm not trying to say that i-phones are not good, as I believe the result of this poor reception was more of a combination of the service provider as well as the reception within that particular location. But the whole conversation was so comical that I almost laughed myself into tears. He was just telling me how good the phone was and what gadgets it has and how efficient things were, blah blah blah, when the phone just started to crack up and he started to fade away. The more I joked about Earth calling Mars One, the further away he went, until he finally faded into plain oblivion.

In all fairness, I did try calling him again with my other phone, just to make sure that it wasn't my phone or my service provider that has gone bad. But all I got was plain static as well.

In the end we had to continue our discussion through text messaging - guess nothing beats the i-phone when it comes to that!

And the most ironic part was, this guy was calling me from his home in Hong Kong's Cyberport. The Cyber--freaking--port!

An i-phone in the Cyberport. I would be expecting one of the most crystal clear receptions.

Hmmm....wonder what service provider he's using?

Guess I better remember asking him when he returns to Earth!

Oh, man, this really made my day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A tingle in my heart

Helping out at the shelters is sometimes a difficult thing for me.

It is so disappointing to see how we, human beings, can be so cruel and selfish. How one living being can inflict so much harm to another.

It is sad to see most of the animals still plagued with injuries or illnesses, or trembling from fear and uncertainty.

It is, at times, discouraging to know that whatever I am doing is just not enough.

But there is this compelling force that overpowers all feelings of despair, that keeps me going.

That encouraging feeling to see how the helpless animals have not given up hope, how they still strived to survive despite whatever ordeal they've been through before. Living in the present moment. To live, to survive, to be safe.

And that special moment of connection between me and a dog. The kind of unspoken understanding and appreciation going between us. Not a word of "thank you" or "woof-woof", not a lick on my hand, just this silent obedience filled with contentment and trust.

The overwhelming knowledge that a small dedicated group of caring individuals have not given up hope either, and whatever small effort I was making will indeed contibute to the greater cause.

The satisfaction of seeing that subtle change in an animal's eyes.

All those little moments when I feel a tingle in my heart.

And that's all that matters.


Dogs speak a million words through their eyes....

Monday, April 27, 2009


Lazy, hazy Mondays.

Mondays are usually a day of rest and recuperation for me. A day of contemplations and reflections on what I've done in the past week. Of what I've done well and what I needed to work harder on. On re-assessing my directions and goals.

Sometimes, I would have a really kick-ass week and feel really accomplished when I recapped my week's achievements.

At times, I would feel a bit disheartened as I realized I could have done better.

But most of the time, I will be somewhere in between, patting myself in the back for things done well, and kicking my own butt for things that could have been better. And of course, seeking ways or making a pledge to do better.

If I were to name how I am feeling this last Monday of April 2009, I would say, the latter. I've done some good stuff, but I could've done better in some others.

A pat (on my back), and a kick (in my butt). Ouch!

And a pledge to work harder and do better.

A big heartful thank you to everyone who's been patient and tolerant with me this week!

Until we meet again, be well,

Saturday the 26th

Went to help out at the shelter with Pete.

For some reason, I find myself a bit unfocused and it took me quite a while longer than expected to get things done. I was actually slightly overwhelmed at first and were a bit disoriented. Luckily, with Pete's support and guidance, I was able to complete all the required tasks and could go home without worrying.

Thanks, my teacher, for being there despite feeling so miserable with your cough and fever. Couldn't have done this alone, you know!!

It would have been a disappointing day for me if not for one big lover boy - Atlas.

Yes, Atlas the St. Bernard.

It has been two weeks since I last saw him, and he has been getting along really well. Not only that his coat is growing back out, his hind legs are getting stronger and his muscles are no longer atrophying. He's growing into this "potentially" handsome looking St. Bernard, with a teddy bear disposition. Really? Really. Once you've properly earned his respect.

It was actually very touching for me to see Atlas that day. Because of his size and his "old manners", volunteers at the shelter were unable to walk him without some sort of struggle. So naturally, when the shelter's owner were away, there will be no one to take him out and he will only be peeing and pooping on the balcony. As a result, anybody coming into the shelter wasn't really a concern for him since they were not there for him anyway. When I got into the shelter, all the dogs were barking and sniffing at me, with the exception of Atlas. He was lying in his room, with his head facing the back wall. He wasn't even looking at the door. It was so sad, like he's given up hope that anybody will be giving him any attention.

Without saying a word, I stood outside his gate and waited. Very soon I saw his nose twitch, and there! He got up, turned around and sniffed me with a big waggy tail. Boy, he was SO happy to see me! I held out the leash, and he put his head inside the loop right away. Out we went for our walk and I had a great time with him on the beach. Quality time.

He was even more happy and surprised when he saw Pete that he just cuddled up to him as if he's one big kid and Pete's one big dad, only with big strings of saliva drooling all over!

This joy, this contentment in his eyes: priceless.

The biggest reward for any hardwork, any long day.

Couldn't have asked for more.


Lover boy with Pete: so at ease now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rocky the GSD

Accompanied Pete to see Rocky today.

Rocky the German Shepherd, who's a rescue being fostered by two devoted foster parents at Discovery Bay.

Major complaint: Aggression towards other dogs, lunging and charging at them; nipped foster parents when they tried to restrain him from lunging out.

Problem solved in a mere three hours, one being all chat with Rocky's foster mom, Wendy, and two being a leisurely stroll around DB. Then we spend the next few hours sipping drinks at a cafe with Rocky lying contently next to our feet, and one relieved and empowered mom sitting amongst us.

It wasn't such a difficult task after all. Simply a matter of re-educating us the humans on dog psychology and on establishing the proper leadership role, and Bingo! all the pieces of the puzzle just fits together naturally.

Nevertheless, this was still another valuable teaching and learning experience. Many thanks to Rocky, Wendy and Pete for such an enjoyable afternoon.

Nitey Nitey,

One happy Rocky and his calm loving mom (photo by Wendy):

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Return of P-1000

P-1000 is back!

Back to train both dogs and humans, including me.

Welcome back, Pete. Glad to have my mentor back by my side, so I can continue learning and growing under your support and guidance.

To all those frustrated humans and their confused doggies out there, don't worry, P-1000 is on his way.

And to my friends who enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it, please stay tuned for my newest adventures with my two and four-legged teachers!

See ya!

Yes I like it hot, but No, I don't like it hot!

Reminder to self: Yes, I like it hot. Hot spicy food, hot springs, hot sunny beaches, and of course, hot sex.

Reminder to self: No, I don't like it hot. I mean, Hot Yoga.

I've always disliked Hot yoga classes but it's been over a year since I took my last hot class, so naturally, I've forgotten how badly I hated it. And today was a great reminder to myself.

I had originally planned to take an Anusara class around noon-ish today, but when I woke up in the morning, I remembered that I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch. So I cancelled my Anusara class and decided to take another yoga class in the late afternoon instead. And guess what they offer around that time? Hot Yoga. Hot classes in all the studios at the same time. Unless I was willing to idle around town until 6pm, I would have no choice but to take a hot class.

Well, oh well. Having forgotten why and how I hated it, I thought, what the hell, it's just one class and it won't hurt.

Next thing I knew, I was half suffocating in the studio, wondering what time it is and when the class will end. I felt so darn fatigue that I couldn't get into the shower right after class - I would probably faint if I did so.

In all fairness, it has nothing to do with the teacher, as he was actually quite good. Clear, concise instructions and smooth flow from one asana to the next. I would definitely take his classes again as long as they're not in a hot room.

Anyways, after two cans of Pocari and a shower, I was still exhausted and didn't even have much of an appetite for food. I went home, nibbled at my dinner, and fell asleep out of total exhaustion. It has nothing to do with physical tiredness, as I have no muscle soreness at all. It was just a complete drainage of energy.

So stupid of me to waste my time and precious energy in Sauna Yoga. I mean, what's the difference between doing yoga in a hot yoga studio and doing yoga in a sauna room? The size of the room.

And here I am, eyes wide open in the middle of the night.

So, reminder to self: No more Hot Yoga classes for me. Ever.

How I missed doing "natural" yoga in the great outdoors!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lucky Lesson Four

It was Lucky's fourth training lesson today and I'm proud to announce that Lucky is on his way to be a truly Happy-go-lucky guy!

By now, Lucky had already figured out that seeing me meant longer walks, and so naturally, he was really thrilled to see me today. He ran over to the rug in front of the couch, and did his "lucky dance", i.e. rolling over and rubbing his back on the rug. He was also very anxious and kept going to the door and back. I took my time, sipped tea and chatted with Steph, until he finally calmed down by our feet. It was only until then that I took his leash and led him out.

This time, I added a bit of a challenge to myself (and to Lucky) by asking Steph's helper to take Yoda downstairs ahead of us. This way, Lucky will be meeting Yoda on the street and we will let them both practice how and when they could greet each other. It was also good training for the humans as they could use this same technique for other dog to dog introductions.

Even though I have heard from Steph that Lucky has maintained his "improvements" for the past week, I was still a tidbit doubtful if Lucky will be so persistently good. I mean, Tinsel has so many incidents of relapses that it's just natural to expect the same from Lucky after all!

Well, Lucky did try to rush out the door at first, but with only one correction and he was back on track right away. He was a little more "vocal" than last time, but all it took was mild reminders and he would stop screeching right there and then. He has not acted out at any humans nor dogs during our whole walk tonight, even though we did meet a couple of shady dogs along our way. No barking out, not lunging out, at all. Even with Steph or her helper holding her leash.

The same Lucky that his humans thought were "incurable" because of his age and what-not, just a mere three weeks ago.

Again, (I know I'm very long-winded, but I really gotta say this!) I owe this to my teacher Pete and to Lucky for teaching me and for showing me again that nothing is impossible. Big back rubs to two equally charming gentlemen!

And now, time for me to unwind and take a few hours of beauty sleep for this old bod of mine, otherwise I won't have enough energy for my Anusara class tomorrow!

Wet, oophs.. no, Sweet Dreams, my friend,

Saturday, April 18, 2009


During my freshman year at SF State, I met a buddhist friend who asked if I knew what the meaning of life is.

At the time, I was still in my teens and everything was, of course, about me. Me, me, and me. So my answer was, simply, to live happily. And since I was all about me, everything evolved around me. Anything to my dislike and I would ditch it without a blink. No one, nothing, gets in the way of my "living happily".

And over the years, I've asked myself the same question over and again. My answer has remain unchanged: to live happily.

What would life be if we don't know happiness? What's the purpose of living, if we were to live for plain existence? Very true, isn't it?

Yup. But one thing. The interpretation, the meaning of "living happily" is no longer the same.

As I am growing older (or old, to be honest), my awareness of people and things have expanded, and happiness is no longer a me-me-me kind of thing. It has evolved into the kind of happiness that results from bringing a smile or a bit of comfort to people around me. Sharing the joy of life, celebrating the love of living. Not just me anymore, but with my family, my friends, as well as people around us.

All of this resulted over dire realization of the mistakes of my past, as well as a slow but lengthy process of awakening to my true consciousness, along with the help of some "Angels" that I've met along the way.

By Angels, I do not mean religious beings with wings, but rather, those that have appeared in our lives with a meaning, a purpose: to teach us something we need to know.

Ever met someone or some animal that you have to help care for, in such a way that demanded more than you would "usually" give? It may seem at first that you were giving in a lot, but only to realize later that you've actually gained from the act because you have learned something new. Like love, responsibility, and persistence, for example.

Or someone that may seem obnoxious at first, but upon further knowing, found to be a completely supportive and trustworthy friend. The Angel that's here to help you look beyond what your eyes can see, to use your heart, and to connect within.

Or even, someone that is just plainly there to help and guide you when you felt lost or swayed, or to lend you a shoulder when you most needed one. Someone who's just a straightforward Angel without any disguises.

I have been blessed to have met quite a few Angels along my way. Each and every one of them showing me something new, something crucial, that will help shape me into a better me. A better me that could find and extend happiness in my every breathing day.

We're all here for a reason. To learn and to evolve.

We're all here in each other's lives for yet an even better reason. To help each other learn and evolve.

Cheers my Angels,

The Making of....Part One


Some photos in this posting may contain violence, coarse language
or scenes that may cause discomfort. Parental guidance is suggested.


The story began with a couple of semi-defrosted ducks:

Then came the "butcher" with her hatchet:

And the ducks got dismembered into bits and pieces:

Skins and fats were set aside for later use:

And necks were saved as special snacks:

Then the rest, bones included, were put to the grinder:

And skins and fats were added back:

And portioned into silicone trays:

For final freezing in the freezer:

Then, its so easy... just break a cube when it's time for dinner!


Producer: Ann
Commentator: Tinsel
"The Butcher": Lolita


Thank you for viewing.


Carpe diem

Little things that make my day.

Teaching Vinyasa II with all Teacher Trainees in the class: Fun!

Having a bowl of authentic Shanghainese Wonton soup: Yumm!

Planning for my Evolution Yoga Conference schedule: Psyched!

Teaching yet another kick-ass yoga class with enthusiastic students: Cool!

Then, stepping out of the studio to find hubby waiting for me in our ride: Charmed!

And finally, strolling in the neighborhood with the kids: Precious!

Everything that could've been just another Friday.

Yet, cherished and held dear to my heart.

Living my everyday in celebration of "spanda", the spark of life.

Om namah shivaya,

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Woke up with a bloody stiff neck this morning. Must have slept entirely on one side the whole night through. Darn.

Dinner with Philip again last night, and got quite drunk. Three bottles of sake over a three hour long dinner. A much appreciated get together, after quite a tiring day with mixed emotions.

The day that my dear teacher Pete and his family had to bid farewell to their Golden Retriever, Mark.

Tried to carry on my day as usual, but there was this cloud hanging on the back of my mind all the time, wondering if they are doing OK, and wishing them well.

I was scheduled for a training session with Lucky in the afternoon, but I was slightly hesitant as I wasn't really "in the mood" and felt a bit unstable, energetically speaking. Almost changed my plan, but I pressed myself to go through with it. For better or for worse. What the hell, stop hesitating, just go and do it.

My teacher should be proud. Of me. And of himself.

Lucky has improved a lot since his last lesson. It has been difficult for me to get through to him before, as it would be almost impossible to snap him out of his "rage" once he got into it. Our last lesson was a real breakthrough as Pete showed me how to breach through his raging and help him to his senses. This time, with a better sense of our energies, I was able to curb his reactions before he could develop into a rage. We could then enjoy a quiet and non-eventful walk with him trotting nicely by my side. He could even walk by other dogs without acting up at all. Whatta boy!

I then asked my friend and her mother to come and join us for our training, and both of them were pleasantly surprised at Lucky's calm demeanor. They took turns walking him and were both amazed at how well he behaved. It was so good to see my friend's mother walking so proudly with Lucky by her side. Hard to imagine that she was the same nervous lady who was holding on to a wildly raging Lucky just a little over a week ago!

Shortly after, a Golden Retriever came into sight and Lucky started yelping and charging. For some reason, he has this fixation and always reacted extremely adversely towards them. I immediately took over, corrected him, and kept walking alongside the other dog from across the pavement. It did take a while, but slowly, Lucky recovered and ceased panting and charging. In the end, both dogs were able to sit and watch each other peacefully from across the narrow street, without ever a slight growl or yelp. We then continued down the road and passed another dog without even a glitch. My friend and her mother were totally stunned.

Imagine how proud they were when they walk home with a calm and quiet Lucky, under the amazed looks from the guards and neighbors.

I was humbled. Humbled and gratified.

Humbled because my teacher has indeed taught me, and Lucky, really well.

Gratified because I have the chance to learn from him, and from Lucky, as well.

Thanks, Pete. Even though you may feel really shitty right now, please know that your efforts and teachings were not in vain. You've been helping so many much needed souls, saving many lives. One huge big hug with a heartful thank you from your student, and on behalf of all those you've helped.

And thanks to Steph, for giving me the chance to work with Lucky and Yoda. I promise I will keep up my standards and will not fail you, nor them.

And last but not the least, a big hug to my dear friend Philip for taking me out and keeping my spirits uplifted, for being there and for....akem...supplying the "spirits".

Thanks all,

One calm Lucky heeling his proud human:

From Mark


When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little -- but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me -- but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone. It's all a part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss Me - But Let me Go.

-- Author Unknown

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For Mark


If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and sufferring I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close --we two-- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

--Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meet the Munchkins: Part I


Atlas - male
St. Bernard

Ben - male - 4 yrs old
Golden Retriever

Bindi - female - 4 yrs old
Miniature Schnauzer

Casper - male - 1.5 yrs old
Schnauzer-Spaniel cross

Custard - male - 5 mths old
Retriever-Lab cross

Cyclops - male - 5 yrs old
Mixed breed

Frenchie - male - 2 yrs old
French Bulldog

Plus many others! Leave me a msg if you're interested in giving them a new home!

Thanks a bunch,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Atlas: from Big Bully to Big Teddy

Another rewarding day at the shelter.

We were originally going to see a foster family with a German Shepherd, but because of a change in schedule, we ended up at the shelter instead. It turned out that they have taken in a Lab-mix that has exhibited some "serious" aggression towards other dogs, i.e. bit another dog quite severly, so Pete decided to go and see what the dog's about.

The Lab-mix in question wasn't really a case at all - all he needed was consistent and fair leadership and he'll gladly obey. I actually had a great time walking him around Mui Wo - he's so sweet that I almost fell for him too! (I'm not going to say who, but I've already fallen for one of the dogs at the shelter, who has this little soft spot in my heart now.) Anyways, it's still good practice for me as not only that I was getting more "hands-on" experience, I had another chance to observe how Pete assessed and trained a different dog, which actually gave me more experience points. For me, every experience, every observation, really counts.

To be honest, I am very pleased with myself today. It's not that I did everything perfectly, in fact, I did make some mistakes, but I felt that things are finally coming together. I'm not sure how to phrase this, but in the past, my grip on dog training have been inconsistent and sometimes even erratic. It's kind of like walking semi-blindfolded in a supposedly familiar neighborhood - yes, I know the place, but no, I'm not sure if I'm going the right way. It seemed like I'm finally putting the puzzle together now and I'm getting a way more firmer grip of things. I have a slightly better control on my energetic shield as well.

Anyways, before I get too tipsy to write coherantly, I want to post a little note about Atlas the Big Bully: he is now, truly, a Big Teddy for me. He has shown me a lot of respect today - never pulled on the leash and never tried anything funny. Even went down the stairs behind me willingly! I'm so happy and grateful. We have trained each other to be a better handler/trainer, as well as a better dog/follower. Thanks, big boy - I'm so blessed to have you. :)

And of course, one big applaud to my teacher again. You know I'm not kissing your pretty behind and I really mean what I'm saying: Thanks.

And now, I'm going to finish my wine and crash in with a big big smile. :)


P.S. BTW, for those who have been wondering, those disposable dehumidifying tubs do not work in the wine fridge. My wine labels are starting to mold up again and this time I'm going to drink it all up. No more wiping downs for me anymore. Period.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lucky versus P-1000

Went for Lucky's second training session on Wednesday and took him out for a long walk all by myself, so I could better assess his progress and issues.

Just when I turned the corner from his home, someone familiar walked into sight: Pete. He has just finished a session nearby, and decided to swing by to see how things were going.

Thanks, my teacher, for caring, and for taking your time.

Together we walked Lucky throughout the neighborhood, meeting people, meeting dogs. He did act up at times, but he was at least 30% better than the last time I walked with him. The intensity of his "fixation" if we would call it, was much higher than that of Tinsel's or a lot of other dogs with similar problems. This did not come as a surprise as he's already 10 years old and whatever issues he had, had been accumulating over all these years. He has proven to us though, that he is "curable", but he just needs some time. With persistence and patience, he will eventually learn and change. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen in time.

Lucky, you're not only lucky, you'll soon be Happy as you will now gradually shed all your uncertainties and live a happy, normal life as a real Happy-go-Lucky.

As for me, I consider myself very lucky indeed to have met my teacher who truly cares about how his students (and their students) are doing.

Every encounter, every conversation with Pete is always interesting and inspiring. This time, I finally nailed what Pete's distinctive calm and assertive energy is about. Imagine the T-1000 in T2: non-emotional, firm, and covered with this liquid metal shield that is soft, yet impregnable. It doesn't matter what state the dogs were in,
they just know that there was nothing they could do to push this guy over - he's just here, calm, firm, and fair, so they'd better respect and behave.

Not T-1000, but rather, P-1000.

If I could only control my emotions and "energetic shield" just like that.

I'll be working on being the next gen T-1001 and make it an A-1001 then!

I don't need that hot-bod, just gimme that shield...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bye Bye Republic

Got a message from Van on facebook, sending me some photos of the "new" HR tea packaging.


After twelve years, this is what "the Herb" finally came to - a paper display box at London Drugs, next to bags of chips. $7.99 per tin of tea.

And that new label - it's darn freaking ugly. A cheap mutation of our signature tin cans and our designer pyramid t-bag boxes.

It's sad to see so many years of hard work, design revisions, brand building, to come to this. From the pages of Elle magazine and the presidential suites of Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel to... London Drugs.

Why spend so much money to buy the brand only to trash it afterwards?

I'm clueless, and somebody is tasteless.

Maybe I should've closed the damn thing instead of selling it.


Gone were the good old days....and minimalist packaging...

Yes! Tinsel!

We did it!

All it took was a paradigm shift on my part, and Tinsel's back on track again.

Yes! Yes! Yes!!

After discussing my recent "set-back" with Pete, I came to the realization that I've been handling Tinsel differently from other dogs that are not mine, which made all the difference in the outcome.

When I handled other dogs, I would be calm, assertive, prepared, as well as non-attached. If the dog did something wrong, I would issue a minor correction, and kept moving on. But with my own kid, I would issue the correction and then wonder what went wrong or why she misbehaved. And that's all it takes...a slight negative thought in my mind, and Tinsel would sense it and react more severely.

When we took our walk this evening, I detached myself from the role of "Tinsel's Mom" as best as I could, and handled her just as I would handle other dogs, and it worked brilliantly. At first she would still try to challenge other dogs, but she sensed the indifference in me and calmed down quite readily. Our walk became enjoyable again, just like that!

It was so nice to be back on track again.

Thanks Pete, for your patience and invaluable advice.

And thanks to Tinsel and Kimba, for sharing and learning along my side. :)

Luv ya all,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I'm exhausted. Aching all over. Trembly legs, sore bum, achy arms.

And I wonder if I can get out of bed in the morning.

This is not the "oh I'm tired" kind of sore. This is hardcore. Deep inside every muscle, every tendon.

All because of one, one-hour Anusara class with Patrick.

Un-believable. I am so out of shape. I couldn't imagine how I could've done those three-hour classes with him just a few months ago --??!!

But I had to say, I'm really glad I've finally gathered enough determination to go again. It's been, how long? Four - five months since I last took a class with him? Panda-Ann have been avoiding his classes as they're really kick-ass tough. I've been thinking of going again lately, but didn't feel I was fit enough to survive the class yet. Somehow, last night something snapped, and I decided to sign up and just go. No more if's and but's. Just go and give my fullest, and enjoy whatever the outcome.

And as I was sweating my heart out on my mat this afternoon, I was filled with this feeling of wholeness, of belonging. Like I've finally gone back to my roots. Grounded. Rooted.

I'm so-oooo glad to finally free up my time from the office so I can spend more time with things that I enjoy doing or should be doing.

Like spending time with the kids. Walking, training, hiking. Quality time that is much needed to stregthen that bond between us.

Like, for instance, Tinsel. It seems that we have reached a point of resistance with her rehabilitation, and she's even relapsed a little into her old self at times. It is understandably, quite discouraging, and I have to admit that I was a bit disheartened at first. But I'm not going to give in. No-no. Now that I've begun learning and experiencing training other dogs with Pete and Cindy, I am much better prepared to push forward instead of giving in.

If we were able to do it once, we will be able to do it again.

But I have to say, that I am truly grateful to have Pete as my teacher, for his guidance and encouragement when I most needed them. A strong grounding force when I fell adrift.

And to my mentoring teacher, Ada, who has shown me the path of Yoga that has helped rooted me when I grew afloat.

I bow to you, my teachers,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's with bells?

Imagine a narrow pathway with a crowd of off leash dogs, large and small, including a pug, and two big dogs running and humping each other.

A bit of a commotion, isn't it? No problemo. Tinsel's walking right beside me, looking happy and even interested to explore a bit more.

But comes Fido with a bell, and Tinsel goes berserk.

What's with bells, anyway? I've been walking around with a bell on me for the last two hours and she doesn't even lift an eye.

Put it on a dog and she just goes off like that.

Guess Kimba, Mokka, and Latte will all be wearing bells on their walks from now on then.

Or better yet, Tinsel should be wearing one herself too.

Not a bad excuse for going shopping - for bells. :)

Sweet dreams everyone,

Saturday, April 4, 2009

In Love

I'm in love.

With Mojito.

Yeah, not just regular Mojito's, but Mango Mojito's.

Ended up having dinner with the girls at the studio last night at this new tapas bar called Uno Mas. It's a nice comfy place with yummy tapas and nice looking people, sort of the "to see and to be seen" kindda place but with a lot less pretence than those LKF or Soho digs.

But boy-o-boy, they make one of the best Mango Mojito's in town.

Like I said, food was good, but I could've skipped all the tapas and kept drinking, glass after glass. It's just.. seductive...lingering ...hmmm ...drooling ...

I'm already looking forward to going back there again for another round of my Mango Mojito's, and maybe, just maybe, a couple of bites of the tapas too.


I'm getting to be an alcoholic.

Where's the next AA meeting again???


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wine and Dine: Apr 1, 2009

Nothing beats spending time in the company of friends, enjoying good food and delicious drinks.

More so when I've finally wrapped up my last day at the office!

So I had a great evening catching up with a long time friend, having yummy Korean BBQ and sipping to this really nice sake that he brought along for sharing. Hmmm.......

And if anyone's thinking of a good bottle of sake, try this one: Okunomatsu Adatara Ginjo. It's light, crisp and floral. Very palatable and pairs well with all kinds of food. It's available at Sogo, I think.

Anyways, gotta thank Philip for such an enjoyable evening. You've always been great company and I cannot imagine how "tasteless" life will be without you - my best wine and dine buddy!

Geez....guess we shouldn't be doing this too often or else it will soon become an AA Meeting - only not Alcoholics Anonymous, but more like .....akem........ Alcoholics Assembly.

So, what are we cooking this weekend again?
- AM

Okunomatsu Adatara Ginjo:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Vet difference

Hey Hey, Tinsel here again!

Mom says I should post an update on my and Kimbie's recent condition as our Aunt's and Uncle's will be worrying about us.

Well, I'm doing much better already. My ear is still a bit irritating but it has calmed down a lot. I still scratch it a little from time to time, but it isn't bothering me as much. Mom washes me with this saline solution and it feels gooooood.

As for my tummy.... I'm no longer having the runs but my poop is still a bit soft, and Mom says it's probably due to the yucky tasting canned food that I have been eating. Yeah, about that canned food. It tastes BAD, but I have no choice coz Dr. Yim says I should eat it for a few days. It gives me really itchy paws and bum too, so I know I must be allergic to something in it. Can't wait till I get my regular food back... one more day to go....!

And Kimbie.... *sigh*, don't know what's wrong with him, but he's still got those nasty pimples all over him. Mom found two new ones today, one on his arrr... his.... thingy, and one at the corner of his eye. The meds that Dr. Yim has prescribed for him seems to relieve his itchiness, but the pimples are not really going away. Mom says we will give it another day or two and if the pimples are still here, he will be seeing Dr. Yim again. Hmmm... I wonder if I can tag along, just to say Hi....

Oh, Dr. Yim. She's a very nice lady and I think I really like her. She was calm, firm and quite reassuring when I visited her the other night. She's so nice that she even called Mom up personally to check up on us, and to tell Mom that my stool test was negative. Mom says she belongs to a different breed of Vet, as she truly cares about her patients, and not just her pay cheque. Personally, she reminded me of Dr. Susan back in Vancouver. Hmmm... Vancouver. How I missed it. And Auntie G., Dr. Susan, Bug, Jodie, Lisa......Ollie. *sigh* and rabbit......yummy... (I'm drooling....)

And Mom. Wow. She's growing into this tough alpha bitch and I am really getting to admire her. Whenever we go out for walks, she will be in control of everything and everyone around us, even other doggies and their humans. I felt so darn proud and safe! The only one complaint that I have is that I can't get my ways at home anymore. No more couch privileges, no more this, no more that. And when she wants me to go over to her, it's like, snap (her finger), point at her feet, and I'll have to go over right away. Otherwise....ha! I'll be in trouble.

But I gotta say that she's taking good care of us. The first and last thing she does everyday, is taking Kimbie on her lap, and slowly wipe him down with the solution that Dr. Yim prescribed, toe by toe, paw by paw. Then she will tell me to lie down and clean my ear, wipe down my itchy paws and itchy bum before checking me all over to ensure that I'm not getting any of those horrible pimples that Kimbie has.

Thanks, Mom, and sweet dreams....(Mom's snoring high on the couch again!)