....and a very brief one indeed, considering the amount of things that has happened since my last post in April.
Okay....where should we start..,,
Well, been totally cut off from my parents since the incident back in February, and am actually not in the mood to reconnect again anytime soon. Don't really care what people think. Since when did anyone ask me what I think, or how I feel, anyways? If I'm supposed to cherish every moment with my parents because they're old and can go anytime, then how come no one is appreciating me in return? I can very well drop dead in the next second too. I do deserve a teeny tiny bit of respect and happiness too. And maybe this is the lesson of my life - learning to accept that there are things I cannot change in life, and learning to let go. I've made peace with myself in this regard, and can honestly say, I'm happy as it is now. Life is far from perfect, but I've done my part, and I'm grateful with whatever I have, right now, right this moment.
Hubby has his fair share of wacko-werks, having to deal with his dellusional mother who still believes that someone in the household can shit golden eggs. Well, that may be the case when her husband was still alive, as he was a truly successful entrepreneur, making heaps and heaps of money in his days. Yet he has passed away for almost two decades and she has been cheated mutliptle times since then. Now that her wishing well is starting to dry up, she turns to us for her crazy spendings. As in USD 25000 per year of life insurance premiums, times three, or four. Yes, we are talking about three or four or more life policies that she's bought for herself. We don't even know how many she's got for real, as the story keeps changing. Not that she has no place to stay or no money for food etc..., but all she's whining about every single freaking day, is not having enough money to pay for her insurance policies. It's like, every single conversation gets redirected to money. Money, bank, money, money, money. Oh gosh, just the thought of it is driving me crazy. I'm lucky they usually communicate in Japanese and I can stay out of it. At least most of the time. Poor hubby.
Home reno is still pending. Taking over the unit next door in a few days, and will be working with my architect friend on combining the two units. It will be months of work and we will be moving to another temporary place in the meantime. Gosh, sounds like fun....!
Lolita. One pretty lady with a pretty heart. She's doing good, taking good care of everyone and starting her own vegetable and herb garden on our balcony. Butterhead, Romaine, Argulla, Basil, Rosemary, Cilantro...you name it!
Kids. Well, they are doing ok, except with a bit of scratching which is usual around this time of the year - they are still not used to the heat and humidity. I've started giving Lingzhi pills to them three days ago, and am keeping my fingers crossed. Poor babies, itchiness is so intolerable! I wish there's something I can do to help!
Work. Interesting. We are both teaching some classes at the DB studio, but this will end soon, as the studio will close down at the end of June. Hubby has already been hired by the Big P, and will start there after our trip to Turkey and Egypt. As for me, I'll probably be on my own, teaching independently and organizing events etc.. I have no concrete plans yet, but I'll just take each day as it comes.
Play. Oh gosh! Couldn't be better! Loads of amazing, like-minded friends, met through yoga and through the kids. Breaking bread and laughing mad. Some of the kindess, sweetest souls that we've ever met. And don't forget we still have a list of long time buddies from years back! We're so blessed and so loved that we cannot ask for more, really!
And of course, the up-coming Grand Trip. Turkey: Istanbul, Cappadocia, Ephesus, plus.....! Egypt: Cairo, Giza, Nile cruise, Abu Simbel, Aswan, Luxor and more! Not to mention, Immersion II with Chris in Istanbul! So much to see, so much to do, so much to eat, and, so little to spend. We will be so rich and so poor after the trip! So culture and experience rich, and so financially poor. But, hey, what the heck!
At least we are living life to the fullest!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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5 years ago
1 comment:
Relationships often come out stronger through hardships and misunderstandings. All wounds take time to heal. Patience and love. Wish you well.
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