Monday, February 8, 2010

It's a joke...

....and I don't freaking believe it!

Mom is still "angry" at me for "siding with an outsider against her mother", as she has called it, and totally cold-shouldered me when we bumped into each other last night.

Well, expected.

But what surprised me was my dad, who hung his head low and scurried after his wife, ignoring us when we addressed him.

I mean, he was the instigator of this ordeal, you know. If it wasn't for him and his big mouth, mother wouldn't have gotten into a big rage over a friend (who wasn't even directing her comments at my mother anyways!). And if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gotten yelled at when I tried to explain things to my mother, who's obviously still thinking that cold shouldering me will make me feel bad.

I can't believe how dysfunctional a family I got until now, and it's such a joke. A Mickey Mouse dad with a Lion Queen mother, plus a self-pitying, borderline psychosis younger sister.

I wonder how "crazy" and "schizophrenic" I am in normal people's eyes, since, I'm from the same blood line afterall?

Honestly, something like this would've bothered me a lot in the past, but now...I'm just a bit disappointed. And I can't help but smile and ask, "is this some sort of modern day Adam's Family or what?"

Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I acquiesce in but I think the collection should secure more info then it has.