Sorry folks! Tried blogging while I was in Vancouver but somehow I just couldn't post anything onto the blog itself. I'm really not that tech-savvy, as you know.
Anyways, I'm sure the title, "Vancoooouver!" says it all - I loved it so much, that I couldn't get enough of it!!!
The only word I could use to describe this past week was, amazing, amazing, amazing.
And I want to be back.
First, the clean, crisp, cool air - loved it.
Then, the lovely scenery with a mix of green and orange leaves - splendid.
And THEN, the people. Friendly smiles and heartful goodbyes - even from strangers on the streets.
Oh, and our friends. Oh, my. I've never realized I was (or we were) so loved. So blessed with such beautiful people around us. Oh, well, you know, birds of the same feather flock together, so I guess I should've known, eh? :)
Even thinking about it all now brings a softness to my nose - sniffle, sniffle. I have been so touched by the people and events of this past week, that I....... just didn't know what to say anymore. Really.
Maybe, just a little from-the-bottom-of-my-heart "Thanks" to everyone and everything that has colored my life?
Yeah, that's it. That's the right word. Thanks.
To you all, and to the Divine up there who's smiling as he/she is reading this.
I just LOVE life.
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