Monday, September 7, 2009

Do or die

Still contemplating if I should go to the up-coming Anusara Teacher Training in Vancouver and get this Anusara Inspired thing done and over with. I mean, I've completed over 150 hours of the specified curriculum and am just this 60 hours away from being certified to teach Anusara Inspired classes, something that I've been working at for over 2 years.

But honestly, I'm seriously dreading it. Seriously. This is really some tough shit and I'm really worried that I may not make it to the end. All that aches and pain, all that.... will power, needed, in order to go through with it.

Hubby said I should put myself into a "Do or die" mode and just dive in.

The Black Knight in me says, yeah, baby, way to go!

Panda says, no, not this time, with load of "reasons" as to why I shouldn't go.

And I'm totally caught in between.

So, finally, I've decided to leave this to the greater Universe. In other words, I'm not going to push it, or force it to happen.

I'll just let it come naturally. That is, I'll go if: #1) my studio can find someone to sub my classes during my absence (which is still pending confirmation); AND #2) if I could endure at least one yoga class each day continously for the next 3 weeks without giving in, (Power 2's and Vinyasa 3's, that kind of thing, not level 1's); AND, #3) if they still have space for me at the Training.

Then there's simply no excuse for not going, then, rite?

So let it flow, let it flow,

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