Another day at the LFS Kennels with Cindy, Pete, and Dr. Joe.
Last of the 6 consecutive weekly shots for the dogs. It was just amazing to see how most of them have been coming along.
Healthier, happier, much more confident and trusting.
Everyone of them has been learning and growing, each at their own pace and level. Some came a long way, from complete hysteria with the leash to complete trust in us. Some were still a bit shy and reserved, but obviously improving.
It was so rewarding to see how just a little love and care could do such wonders. Just a minute or two of calm attention each week for a few weeks, could have casted such positive effects on a dog.
Happy to see how they have been improved, yet sad to say goodbye to them, at least for the next little while.
I know we will all miss them.
And I'm sure some, if not all of them, will miss us too.
All the best to them, and all the best to Kelly and her helpers.
Until we meet again, Happytails!
Following the Leader...waiting for their turn for some attention...

The same dog who almost strangled himself on the leash some weeks ago, now completely calm and trustful, even when given his shots.

Just a little calming, loving energy can do wonders, look at that smile....

"Never been loved so much, never been happier!"

"I'm a sweet girlie-girl..."

Wishing them all, Happytails!

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