Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Home sweet home, finally

Time flew by really quickly and it's already May 2011. It was hardly a year ago when I was busy planning for our trip to Turkey and Egypt, with our home renovation on the way. And it's so amazing that so many things have happened since then.

Our home is finally done, thank goodness! And done the way we would have wanted in the first place. It's very nice and cosy, with the exception of a few boxes still stuck in the middle of the living room, which we need to attend to someday. Our room is nice and warm and comfy, and our dining area is simply the perfect entertaining spot for guests and friends. Mother-in-law is happy with her room, and the kids are just as happy with their doggie toilets and custom crates.

All in all, home is nice and sweet and cosy.

And work is also going well, and we couldn't be asking for better opportunities to teach and learn amongst such a vibrant crowd of yogis and yoginis.

Personally, I realized that I have learned a lot from the experience in the past three years, since our return to Hong Kong. I find myself much calmer and at ease at things and at life in general, and learning to appreciate and enjoy the small ups and downs more genuinely.

In a way, I am a happier person.

And I'm so thankful for that.
